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Ultrasound module: Intermediate ultrasound of early pregnancy complications

Ultrasound is integral to the clinical practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

The RCOG has pioneered the introduction, and formalised assessment, of ultrasound as a core procedural skill in its postgraduate curriculum. Our ultrasound guidance document on RCOG eLearning explains how ultrasound training sits within the 2019 Core Curriculum.

For general information about ultrasound training, visit Ultrasound training: introduction, which includes:

  • Delivery of ultrasound training
  • Ultrasound in advanced and subspecialty training
  • A joint statement from the RCOG and the Society and College of Radiographers on the delivery of O&G ultrasound training

View a list of RCOG conferences and courses suitable for ultrasound skills.

Ultrasound skills within the 2019 Curriculum


Transabdominal ultrasound examination of early pregnancy (mandatory)

Ultrasound examination of early pregnancy complications (optional)

Ultrasound examination in gynaecology (non-pregnant patient) (optional)

Find details for all skills in the ultrasound guidance on RCOG eLearning


Transabdominal ultrasound examination in later pregnancy (mandatory)

Transabdominal ultrasound examination of biometry in later pregnancy (formative – mandatory, summative – optional)*

Transabdominal ultrasound examination of fetal anatomy in later pregnancy (optional)*

Transvaginal examination in later pregnancy (optional)

Find details for all skills in the ultrasound guidance on RCOG eLearning


Early pregnancy defined as <14-weeks and later pregnancy defined as >14-weeks

*Must be signed off as competent prior to undertaking the Fetal Medicine ATSM or subspecialty training in Maternal and Fetal Medicine.

Resources for trainers

Information for trainers about how to supervise, deliver and assess ultrasound training is available in the trainers’ resources section of the site.

