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Delivery of ultrasound training

This page provides information for trainees on how ultrasound training is delivered. Information for trainers is available in the trainers’ resources section of the site.

Support network for ultrasound training

The RCOG Curriculum Committee is responsible for the development of ultrasound training within the core and advanced curricula and links with representatives from the following organisations:

Deanery Ultrasound Coordinators

At a Deanery level, ultrasound training is coordinated by the Specialist Training Committee or School, who appoint a Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator. To find out who’s responsible in your area, see the list of Deanery Ultrasound Coordinators.

Deanery Ultrasound Coordinators:

  • Support the local Ultrasound Educational Supervisors and ultrasound trainers to ensure delivery of good quality training
  • Work closely with Heads of School and Training Programme Directors to ensure there are enough training slots at both basic and intermediate level
  • Ensure access to the theoretical course, either locally or at the RCOG
  • Allocate intermediate ultrasound training places
  • Authorise completion of intermediate ultrasound training

Local Ultrasound Educational Supervisors

Within trusts, training is managed by a nominated local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor, who:

  • Coordinates delivery of ultrasound training in a unit
  • Identifies and supports trainers to ensure good quality training is delivered
  • Allocates training slots as appropriate

The local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor can be a sonographer, radiologist, radiographer or obstetrician/gynaecologist.

Ultrasound trainers

Ultrasound training is delivered by many different professional groups, such as sonographers, radiologists, midwives, nurses, obstetricians and gynaecologists.

Your trainers are responsible for ensuring you have access to good, quality ultrasound equipment and machines.
