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Ultrasound training in advanced and subspecialty training

There are certain intermediate ultrasound skills which are optional, but do align with certain ATSMs and subspecialty training programmes, as outlined below:

  • For some ATSMs, you can acquire these ultrasound skills before (usually at ST4–5) or parallel to the ATSM (usually at ST6–7) – please see below for more details.
  • For some ATSMs and subspecialty curricula, you’ll need to develop further ultrasound skills in addition to those described in the ultrasound guidance document on RCOG eLearning. For more detailed information, please refer to the specific ATSM or subspecialty curriculum.

Obstetric ultrasound skills

For details of what these skills involve, please see the ultrasound guidance document on RCOG eLearning.

The skills to be able to perform transabdominal ultrasound examination of normal fetal anatomy and biometry are essential if you want to undertake the Fetal Medicine ATSM or subspecialty training in Maternal and Fetal Medicine.

You'll need to acquire these ultrasound skills before commencing the ATSM or subspecialty training in Maternal and Fetal Medicine.


Ultrasound skills in gynaecology

For details of what this module involves, please see the ultrasound guidance document on RCOG eLearning.

The ultrasound skills in gynaecology are essential if you want to undertake the ATSMs in acute gynaecology and early pregnancy, advanced laparoscopic surgery for the excision of benign disease or subfertility and reproductive health, or subspecialty training.

The skills need to be achieved by acquiring the ultrasound skills either before or parallel to ATSM or subspecialty training depending on your individual needs, or your Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator needs to confirm that you have acquired the ultrasound skills by an alternative option.

If you wish to acquire the ultrasound skills in parallel you'll need to discuss this and gain approval in advance from your Subspecialty Training Programme Supervisor and Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator.

Ultrasound skills of early pregnancy complications

For details of what this module involves, please see the ultrasound guidance document on RCOG eLearning.

The ultrasound skills of early pregnancy complications are essential if you want to undertake the ATSM in acute gynaecology and early pregnancy or subspecialty training.

The skills need to be achieved by acquiring the ultrasound skills either before or parallel to ATSM or subspecialty training depending on your individual needs, or your Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator needs to confirm that you have acquired the ultrasound skills by an alternative option.

If you wish to acquire the ultrasound skills in parallel you'll need to discuss this and gain approval in advance from your Subspecialty Training Programme Supervisor and Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator.
