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Ultrasound training resources

This page contains links to a range of resources that will support your ultrasound training.

RCOG conferences and courses

View a list of RCOG conferences and courses suitable for the theoretical elements of ultrasound.

Free ISUOG membership for RCOG Trainees

All registered RCOG Trainees with an NTN (national training number) have free trainee membership of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISUOG). This includes free online access to ISUOG’s official journal, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (‘the White Journal’).

To activate your membership:

  • Go to the ISUOG membership application page and complete the application form
  • Click to enter a discount code and enter your trainee discount number (this is the letters ‘RCOG’ followed by your RCOG registration number, e.g. ‘RCOG123456’)
  • Continue to complete the remainder of the registration form and submit
  • You will receive an email from ISUOG to set your login details.

ISUOG free trainee membership is for 2 years only with the option to renew in the 3rd year at 50% discount.

If you have any questions about trainee membership of ISUOG, please contact ISUOG directly by , or call +44 20 7471 9955.

NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme

The NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme website includes a wide range of online resources that will support your ultrasound training.
