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Resources and support for trainees

These insights and guides are here to assist trainees as they progress through our O&G programmes.

Whether you’ve registered with us already or are here to explore your options, the pages within this section will provide you with the support you need.

Training ePortfolio
You’ll be able to access your ePortfolio to report and check on your progress through the curriculum. Help and guidance on setting up and using this system can also be found here. 

RCOG Learning

Develop your core knowledge and skills on the RCOG eLearning platform. Get tutorials covering the MRCOG curriculum, as well as resources for your continuing professional development (CPD).

Training guidelines

We want to support healthcare professionals through all aspects of training; from less than full-time (LTFT) and out of programme (OOP), through to delivering care in hospital at night (H@N).

Advice and support for trainees

You won’t be alone if difficult situations arise during your training, the RCOG will prepare and support you. Our resources include advice on working during pregnancy, PPI and mentoring.

FAQs on Training Requirements for the Matrix
The Trainees Committee have answered your questions relating to the role and requirements of the Matrix of Educational Progression.

Useful resources

The RCOG have a number of additional resources for trainees seeking information or guidance. These pages aim to answer your questions on issues ranging from tax relief to specialist terminology.

Specialty training in O&G

Overview of the specialty training programme in O&G, including assessment and certification of training
