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The SAS and LED Committee

Committee overview

The SAS and LED Committee supports, develops and represents the professional needs and experiences of specialty, associate specialist and specialist (SAS) doctors and locally employed doctors (LED) at all stages of their careers and membership experience in contribution to the College Strategy.

Meeting dates (2025)

The SAS and LED Committee meets three times per year. For 2025, these dates include:

  • Friday 07 February 2025, 14:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday 05 June 2025, 10:00- 12:00
  • Friday 17 October 2025, 14:00 – 16:00


Reporting mechanism

The SAS and LED Committee reports to the Membership Board.


  • To promote understanding about the nature and potential of SAS and LE Doctor posts in our Specialty
  • To promote a SAS Doctor career as a viable, satisfying and alternative career to a consultant one
  • To improve engagement with, and information about and for, these groups of doctors 
  • To identify issues preventing SAS and LE Doctors reaching their full potential in our Specialty
  • To represent SAS and LE doctors across RCOG boards and committees
  • To represent RCOG SAS and LE Doctors at external meetings when required (e.g. AoMRC, NHSE, GMC, NHSI etc.)
  • To promote RCOG membership and engagement with the SAS and LE doctor community to strengthen their voice and representation within the College




Chair and RCOG SAS and LED Lead

Eman Toeima

Vice-Chair and SAS and LED Representative, Scotland

Sarah Court

Vice-Chair and SAS and LED Representative, Northern Ireland

Julie Anne Forbes

RCOG Vice-President for Membership and Workforce

Laura Hipple

SAS and LED Representative, North East

Wiaam Elradi

SAS and LED Representative, North West

Priti Wuppalapati

SAS and LED Representative, Yorkshire & Humber

Michael Togobo

SAS and LED Representative, West Midlands


SAS and LED Representative, East Midlands

Sarah El Khatim

SAS and LED Representative, East of England

Obinna Oraekwe

Phyo Wai

SAS and LED Representative, Wales


SAS and LED Representative, Wessex

Laura Rylah

SAS and LED Representative, Thames Valley


SAS and LED Representative, South West

Alice Unwin

Sonia Barr

SAS and LED Representative, London


SAS and LED Representative, Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Anjana Mackeen


About the committee members

My aim is to promote and raise the profile of the SAS pathway as a rewarding and fulfilling career where experienced doctors can work autonomously and progress further. I am particularly interested in the wellbeing of SAS and LED doctors through advocating for recognition and acknowledgment of the high-quality care they provide for women and girls. I am also keen on advocating for opportunities to be more available for SAS and LED doctors to take up senior roles in leadership, Education and research.

A little bit about me, I have 30 years of experience in obstetrics and gynaecology, and half of this have been in SAS post.

The SAS career enabled me to pursue my ambitions and achieve my potentials.

After graduation in 1993, I completed my Master’s Degree in O&G in 1996, and worked in several countries before being selected by the RCOG for the Overseas Training Scheme (now known as MTI).

I spent two years in training and passed my MRCOG in 2007. I have worked as SAS doctor in Norfolk, Yorkshire, Essex, Cumbria, Devon and in South East London. I became a Diplomate of the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive health (FSRH), and a certified colposcopist (BSCCP)

I am on the GMC Specialist Register since 2015 through the CESR route. My special interests are Colposcopy, Advanced labour ward practice, Vulval Diseases, Abortion care, and Early pregnancy and Emergency Gynaecology.

In 2016, I was appointed as council member of the British Society for the Study of Vulval Diseases (BSSVD), and represented the society in the RCOG specialist Societies Liaison group meetings. I continued to represent the BSSVD as Secretary for the society until 2023.

In 2018, I was appointed as a member of the SAS-LED Advisory group for the College, and I served as a member of the Professional development Committee, The Disciplinary, Removal & Reinstatement Committee (DRRC), as well as the CESR Equivalence Advisory group. I was appointed as Deputy Senior Equivalence Advisor from 2020 to 2022.

I was then appointed as the Chair of the SAS and LED Committee in 2023.

Julie Ann Forbes, Vice Chair of SAS and LED Committee

Originally from Northern Ireland, I studied at the University of Dundee and graduated first with BSc Hons in Microbiology and microbial genetics then MBChB from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.  I worked in Tayside region before returning to Northern Ireland to train in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

When I was offered a Staff Grade post in the Regional Gynae Oncology Centre in 2003 I saw this as a positive career opportunity which would enable me to develop my interest in Gynae Oncology in a permanent post in a forward thinking department whilst also helping me achieve a desirable work life balance. I was appointed Associate Specialist in 2009.

I have had an interest in SAS career development for some time. I spoke on Career progression for SAS at the RCOG annual professional development conference. I have represented SAS at the Northern Ireland committee of the RCOG since 2013.

I work in the largest integrated health and social care trust in the UK & in May 2019 I was appointed Belfast Trust SAS lead. I have established and participate in a Regional SAS Lead group and represent SAS on the Trust workforce group.

I am committed to ensuring career development and progression for SAS and LE doctors and am delighted to work with Eman and the other regional representatives to raise our profile within the college and beyond.

Sarah Court, Vice Chair of SAS and LED Committee

I am an Associate Specialist in NHS Lothian based at St John’s hospital in Livingston and represent Scotland in the SAS/Led committee. I am also on the Scottish RCOG committee and represent SAS/LED at the RCOG Education Board.

I have an interest in general O&G with a special interest in Colposcopy and Oncology. I work autonomously.

In my Associate Specialist role I have managerial roles in Risk Management and Guidelines. I am also an educational supervisor for Specialist trainees and GP trainees and I am a college examiner for MRCOG Part 3.

Dr Sarah El Khatim

Dr Anjana Mackeen – MBBS, MObGyn, MRCOG

I am originally from Sri Lanka, I obtained a government scholarship to study medicine in Bangladesh at Chittagong Medical College. I then joined the Master's program at the University of Malaya-Malaysia and achieved a master's degree MObGyn in 2015. In the same year, I also gained my MRCOG.

I worked as a specialist in the Maldives and Oman. Equipped with experience from several countries and cultures, I arrived in the UK to join the NHS. I currently work as a Clinical Fellow at Royal Surrey Hospital-Guildford. My interests are in ambulatory gynaecology and fertility; I'm pursuing ATSMs in Benign Gynaecology- Hysteroscopy and Advanced Labour Ward Practice.

Apart from practising, I am also keen and passionate about imparting knowledge. I have served as an MRCOG Part 3 examiner for RCOG and will be continuing my role as an examiner, and I am involved in undergraduate teaching and examining at my trust.

I am excited to take on the role of a SAS/LED representative for RCOG in the KSS region. I hope to create a support network and increase their contribution to the college.


I am originally half Egyptian and half Sudanese, I obtained my M.B., B.CH. from Egypt, Cairo University in 2008. I moved back to Saudi Arabia where I was born and my family lived, I joined the O&G Saudi and Arab Board training program in Riyadh in 2011 after doing my internship year there.

I completed my training in 2016, accredited by the Saudi council as an O&G specialized doctor. Followed by the consultant Accreditation 3 years later.

In 2017, I was admitted as a fellow to the European College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology after passing examinations of the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I gained my MRCOG in 2019 and decided to move to the UK to progress my career.

I started as a trust grade registrar in James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough and was then appointed as a Clinical Fellow in gynae oncology. I always loved both obstetrics and gynaecology and this was observed by the team. I accepted a locum consultant Obstetrician Consultant job in May 2022.

I am currently doing the Advanced Labour ward practitioner ATSMD and the Obstetrics Medicine ATSM with the aim to apply for the CESR pathway by the start of 2023.

I am excited to take on the role of a SAS/LED representative for RCOG in the North East region.


Dr Alice Unwin

I gained my first degree in Biomedical Science from the University of Cardiff. From there I went on to study medicine at Bart’s and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2012. After completing my foundation training, I was lucky enough to study at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine where I achieved a diploma in tropical medicine. Following this, I spent time working in Uganda, where my passion for obstetrics and gynaecology was born. 
My O&G career started in Mersey Deanery, after entering the O&G specialty training programme, where I worked for two years at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. I then moved my training to Severn deanery and have since been working at Gloucester Royal Hospital. I made the decision to forgo my national training number in order to take up a permanent specialty doctor role and develop my career with this alternative route. I also work as Reproductive Health and Care of the Newborn Tutor for Bristol University and as part of the PROMPT faculty developing and delivering emergency obstetric training within our trust. I am delighted to join the RCOG SAS and LED committee as the South West representative. 

Dr Sonia Barr

I am originally from South Africa, where I completed my MBChB and Diploma in Obstetrics. Due to various reasons, I decided early on in my career to pursue an alternative career pathway and have enjoyed a long and fulfilling career working as a SAS equivalent doctor. 
Throughout my time in South Africa, I spent 14 years at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town where I gained considerable experience in Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine. I have a special interest in genomics and have completed MSc courses in Medical Genetics through the University of Cape Town. I am an impassioned teacher of ultrasound and was responsible for the ultrasound training and education of Obstetric registrars and Maternal-Fetal Medicine sub specialist fellows.
Since moving to the UK two years ago, I have worked in a SAS role in Fetal Medicine, general obstetrics and gynaecology for the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust.  I thoroughly enjoy the variation and stimulation that my work provides, as well as the flexibility that a SAS role can offer. 
I look forward to being able to support and advocate for doctors in a similar position to me, especially doctors who have trained and worked outside of the UK, to help them to translate their skills and experience within the NHS framework. 

Dr. Laura Rylah, MBBS, MRCOG

In October 2020 I was appointed as a Specialty Doctor in Winchester hospital. I am delighted to have been asked to be a representative for the Wessex region as I navigate this new career path.

I graduated from UCL Medical School in 2009 having completed a Biology degree at Leeds University prior to this. I commenced training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Wessex in 2011 after doing my Foundation jobs in the North Central Thames area.

I gained my MRCOG in 2019 and I am incredibly proud to have been awarded the Prize Medal for the Part 3 examination.

I made the positive decision to move aside from training at the level of ST6 to continue working in a unit which I love. Remaining in one place with trusted colleagues hugely contributes to my job satisfaction and provides more stability for my family and me. I have two young children and my husband is an Anaesthetist for the Royal Navy, so this career move will compliment his commitments which include regular deployments over the coming years.

My interests include Obstetric scanning and teaching and I have been asked to take on the role of Medical Student teaching lead locally. I am exploring the opportunity to start a Mental Health Antenatal clinic in my unit and I am working with the midwives to provide greater structured support for staff in O&G after difficult cases. I am excited to embark upon this new career path, working in a specialty that I find incredibly fulfilling.

Suvalagna Chatterjee, DGO, MD, MRCOG

I graduated and have accomplished postgraduate training in India. I came to UK as an MTI trainee and I am currently based in in South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust as a Specialty doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

My special interest are advanced labour ward practice, menopause management, urogynaecology and vaginal surgery. I take interest in teaching and have been a regular examiner in Warwick Medical school for final year students. I have organised MRCOG Part 3 courses successfully and inspired many to succeed in the examination.

I firmly believe in working with full support in helping colleagues to progress in their career pathway and overcome constraints. I am delighted to have selected as the RCOG representative for SAS/LE doctors in West Midland deanery. I am keen to develop a community of SAS/LE doctors within our deanery for creating a support group and maximise their potential within NHS for amelioration.

Dr. Michael Togobo BSc, BSc, MBChB, DFSRH, MRCOG

A British-born Ghanaian born in Nottingham and grew up in London.

My first degree was from University of Southampton. Keen to go back to my roots, I graduated at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology – School of Medical Sciences in Ghana where I had the opportunity to work with the United Nations and military as a Senior Medical Officer.

Developed an interest in Obstetrics and Gynaecology whilst working in a fertility hospital in Ghana. Came back to the UK where my first job was in Yorkshire and have stayed there ever since.

I am currently an SAS doctor in Mid-Yorkshire NHS Trust.  Keen to develop a community of SAS/LED doctors, to maximise their potential and realise their worth among themselves and within the NHS.

With many family and life commitments, being an SAS doctor has enabled me to train at a pace that has been compatible to my lifestyle and in units that have been convenient and supportive. I pursued ATSMs in Benign Gynaecology Hysteroscopy and Advanced Labour Ward Practice, I am an associate GOSH tutor for Leeds Medical School and trained educational supervisor, mentor and medical appraiser.


I have been a SAS doctor at Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust since 2013, choosing this career path with a positive mind-set, believing in the potential for achieving professional excellence through an alternative career choice. Currently, I serve as a member of the RCOG scientific advisory committee and the DRCOG examination committee. In addition, I hold the role of a clinical supervisor for GP VTS trainees during their Obstetrics and Gynaecology rotation. I am on the GMC Specialist Register through the CESR pathway.
With over fifty scientific publications to my name, I have contributed papers to the RCOG, including the scientific impact paper 'SIP 47- Fetal Scalp Lactate as an Alternative to Scalp pH, Is it Time for UK Obstetricians to Accept' and a published article in TOG on ‘Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in women with endometriosis’. As the RCOG SAS and LED representative in the East of England region, my goal is to guide LE doctors and increase awareness embracing SAS roles. I firmly believe in changing the mind-set surrounding this career pathway, advocating that one can attain professional excellence and job satisfaction through a personalised journey as an SAS doctor, adapting to evolving career needs at one's own pace.



Dr Jayanthi Arumugam
