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Delivering postgraduate training in O&G

Information to help trainers deliver the specialty training programme in O&G

You may also find some of the information aimed at trainees useful:

  • About specialty training in O&G – overview of the training programme, including assessment and progression through training
  • Curriculum – core modules, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic training in O&G

Responsibility for training

The responsibility for training page outlines the structure of postgraduate training, with details of who’s responsible for delivering which elements of the programme.

Assessment and appraisal

The assessment and appraisal section provides information for trainers about:

  • Induction and appraisal
  • Workplace-based assessments
  • Annual review of training
  • The ePortfolio

Curriculum resources

The curriculum resources section provides specific guidance for trainers about how to deliver specific parts of the curriculum:

Ultrasound training

Subspecialty training

Quality management

The quality management section outlines the RCOG’s strategy for quality management of training, including the externality process and associated forms.

Specialty training in O&G

Overview of the specialty training programme in O&G, including assessment and certification of training