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SITM Educational Supervisor: job description

SITM Educational Supervisors undertake the day-to-day, hands-on training of learners at training location level in all aspects of the curriculum. This will also include workplace-based assessments, providing feedback to the learner and advising on suitable experience and evidence to meet CiP requirements. 

The SITM Educational Supervisor must possess the necessary clinical skills in the area being taught and be fully conversant with the curriculum. 

The SITM Educational Supervisor role is slightly different from that of Educational Supervisor as determined by the GMC. The SITM Educational Supervisor will be aligned to the role of a clinical supervisor. The SITM Educational Supervisor will work closely with the SITM Preceptor to address delivery and quality control of the SITM curriculum. 

SITM Educational Supervisors can be recommended to the SITM Preceptor or can self-nominate or be nominated by trainees. The essential requirement is enthusiasm for and knowledge of the clinical area and a willingness to train. They should be a GMC recognised clinical or educational supervisor. 

Roles and responsibilities

  • Take responsibility for maximising the educational opportunities provided by the training location to meet the SITM training needs of the learner. 
  • Take responsibility, with the learner, to record learner’s progress using the SITM curriculum and appropriate RCOG assessment tools on the ePortfolio. 
  • Monitoring progress with CiPs and assessing entrustability level. 
  • Providing pre-ARCP assessment of CiP progress. 
  • Encourage the learner to attend the required training days and course(s).  
  • Advise the SITM Preceptor if any difficulties arise in providing the SITM training. 
  • Take responsibility for early liaison with the SITM Preceptor to facilitate learner progression if training needs cannot be met. 
  • Countersign the form to confirm that training is completed. This form should be sent to the SITM Preceptor for completion by the learner. 
  • Take responsibility, with support from the SITM Director, SITM Preceptor, College Tutor and/or TPD, for responding to the needs of learners in difficulty. 
  • Report to the learner’s core educational supervisor (if not the same individual) on the SITM progress to inform the Educational Supervisor’s Report prior to the ARCP.  

Person specification

Essential characteristics

  • Be a fully trained medical practitioner (consultant or SAS doctor). This training will not always be in O&G e.g. menopause SITM or vulval disorders SITM. 
  • Be a GMC recognised educational or clinical supervisor. 
  • Have an interest in education. 
  • Have skills in appraisal and feedback. 
  • Undergo regular appraisal of educational role as per deanery and NHS processes.  

Time required and job planning

The SITM Educational Supervisor should have time built into their job plan to deliver this training. 

It is difficult to suggest a standard amount of SPA time for this role as it depends upon the amount of the curriculum the SITM Educational Supervisor is responsible for. The SITM Educational Supervisor is advised to keep a diary to present at the job planning process to determine the individual time required. It is possible, where time allows, that an individual may be an Educational Supervisor for more than one SITM. 
