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Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator: job description

The Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator has formal responsibility for coordinating the delivery of the basic and intermediate ultrasound modules, and will ensure that the quality of training and assessment in ultrasound within their deanery is to a high standard.

The appointment is made by the deanery; in larger deaneries, more than one Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator may be appointed.

The Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator is expected to become a member of (or be seconded onto) the Deanery Specialist Training Committee and will be expected to attend training assessment meetings. The Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator will work with the Ultrasound Educational Supervisors/Ultrasound Trainers within the units to ensure coordinated delivery of the ultrasound curriculum and assessments. The Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator should ensure access to good-quality ultrasound equipment and machines.

The Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator(s) must hold either FRCR or MRCOG/FRCOG and actively participate in obstetric and/or gynaecological ultrasound on a regular basis. This educational role should be appointed in open competition as per deanery processes.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Provide guidance to local ultrasound educational supervisors and other trainers (who may include consultants, midwifes, nurses, sonographers and advanced practitioner sonographers).
  • Ensure the local ultrasound educational supervisors/trainers actively participate in obstetrics/gynaecology ultrasound on a regular basis.
  • Ensure local trainers are aware of the curriculum and assessment processes, including giving feedback.
  • Be involved in the selection process of trainees applying for the intermediate ultrasound modules, Authorise completion of intermediate ultrasound training.
  • Hold an updated record of training centres, local ultrasound educational supervisors and trainers within the deanery.
  • Monitor the quality of training across the region.
  • Keep an updated record of trainees’ placements and duration of training.
  • Work in collaboration with the Training Programme Director to highlight training opportunities and allocate trainees to available training slots.
  • Report on the trainee’s progress to the Deanery Specialist Training Committee/School. Ensure trainees have access to the appropriate theoretical courses.
  • Take responsibility, with support from the deanery and College Tutor as necessary, for responding to the needs of trainees in difficulty.
  • Attend the annual RCOG Ultrasound Coordinators meeting.

Person specification

Essential characteristics

  • Be a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecological ultrasound scanning. Hold FRCR or MRCOG/FRCOG.
  • Have experience as an educational supervisor. Have managerial/organisational skills.
  • Be CPD-maintained (name on CPD roll), if eligible.
  • Be appointed jointly by the deanery (Head of School/Chair of the STC on behalf of the Postgraduate
  • Dean and NHS services representative).
  • Have awareness of quality management principles. Agree to work within the terms of the job description. Be trained in equality and diversity.
  • Undergo annual appraisal of educational role as per deanery and NHS processes.

Time required and job planning

It is essential that time is allocated within the job plan of the Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator. The time required will be additional SPA time and the RCOG recommends 1 PA for this role. The Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator is advised to keep a diary to present at the job planning process in order to determine the individual time required.
