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Educational Supervisor: Job description

Educational Supervisor: Job description

All trainees should have a nominated Educational Supervisor who has responsibility for supporting, guiding and monitoring  and  their progress of trainees through their designated curriculum for a specified period of time

The details of the role are stipulated by the  General Medical Council (GMC) as: “A trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a training placement or series of placements. The educational supervisor is responsible for the trainee’s educational agreement.”

Roles and responsibilities

  1. Take responsibility for the personal and professional development of a trainee through the programme.
  2. Understand their Educational Supervisor role:
    • Be familiar with the structure of the training programme
    • Be aware of local and regional policies for trainee support
    • Their role within the 2016 junior doctor contract
    • Their role in the ARCP process and the trainee’s revalidation
  3. Meet their trainee in the first 2 weeks of their programme to:
    • Ensure the trainee understands their responsibility for their learning and the curriculum requirements
    • Develop a personal developmental plan and personalised work schedule that considers their individual needs and learning opportunities
  4. Meet the trainee regularly to review progress and professional development by reviewing progress with their personal learning plan, reviewing the portfolio and ensuring it is maintained and encouraging reflection on the curriculum and GMC’s Good Medical Practice.
  5. Provide honest and constructive feedback from information from clinical supervisor feedback, the portfolio and local faculty group discussions.
  6. Complete the Educational Supervisor’s report in preparation for the ARCP including noting any SI or complaint involvement and making a global assessment recommendation to the ARCP panel.
  7. Have career discussions with the trainee and ensure they have access to specific advice and support
  8. Identify trainees in difficulty and provide support as necessary at a local level, in conjunction with the Deanery//Training Programme Director/DME / College Tutor in line with local and regional policy.
  9. Be trained in equality and diversity.
  10. The ES is expected to continue to develop in their educational role and collate the necessary supporting information to ensure compliance with the GMC requirements including participation in ARCPs and attending local Education Faculty groups. They should discuss their role as part of their Annual Appraisal.

Person specification

Essential characteristics

  • Be a fully trained medical practitioner (consultant or staff and associate specialist [SAS] doctor) with full GMC Registration
  • Have an interest in education.
  • Have effective communication skills and skills in appraisal and feedback.
  • Have completed the necessary ES training agreed locally by NHS and Deanery and a recognised supervisor by the GMC.
  • Be CPD-maintained (name on CPD roll), if eligible.
  • Encourage trainees to undertake RCOG and GMC survey.
  • Be trained in equality and diversity.
  • Review of their educational role at their annual appraisal as per deanery and NHS processes and complete the GMC supervisor accreditation every 3 years

Job planning

The Educational Supervisor role is assigned usually by the College / Specialty Tutor, to a named senior doctor who has undertaken the required training to be recognised by the GMC. The role should be discussed and formalised at job planning with the Clinical Director.The RCOG recommends that 0.25 PAs are required per trainee per week to fulfil this role.

The Educational Supervisor is accountable to the Clinical Director and reports to the Director of Medical Education via the College / Specialty Tutor

