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Local Simulation Lead: job description

The RCOG Simulation Network has been established to support the RCOG in delivering its Simulation Strategy. Local simulation leads are appointed by the Heads of School to join the Network, and provide local representation. The network is known as RCOG Sim-NET (RCOG Simulation Advisory Network).

Roles and responsibilities

Locally based simulation leads will:

  • Act as the link person between the LETB and the RCOG Simulation Network
  • Be credible ambassadors for the use of simulation at all levels of medical education
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of the RCOG simulation strategy
  • Participate in a scoping exercise to assess the use of simulation in their LETB and help identify the strengths and weaknesses of simulation use in their region
  • Co-ordinate the delivery of simulation training throughout specialty training
  • Occasionally be asked to represent the network at meetings to act as an ‘expert’ resource in relation to the College’s simulation strategy
  • Promote and support the use of simulation to facilitate curriculum delivery
  • Participate in RCOG simulation pilots as required

Person specification

Essential characteristics

  • Fellow or Member of RCOG
  • Demonstrable experience of using simulation as an educational tool - including human factor simulation
  • Ability to provide regular reports on activity to the Head of School

Desirable characteristics

  • Ability to relate local application of simulation to the RCOG Education Strategy
  • Experience in an educational management or support role, e.g. in one of the following roles:
    • Clinical Tutor
    • Training Programme Director
    • Head of School
    • Clinical Lead
  • Excellent communications skills - listening, empathy, ability to influence, need for confidentiality etc
  • Full or co-opted member of School Board (Subject to Head of School’s discretion)