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Ultrasound Educational Supervisor: job description

Local Ultrasound Educational Supervisors have formal responsibility for coordinating the delivery of basic ultrasound modules within their units. They will also be responsible for direct supervision of intermediate ultrasound modules and allocation of additional trainer(s) as appropriate.

All ultrasound training must be undertaken under the supervision of an identified local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor, with prior approval from the Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator. The local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor should undertake at least one dedicated imaging session per week and directly supervise the trainee for the majority of the intermediate module(s).

Units may need to appoint one local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor for obstetrics and another for gynaecology (dependent on the skills of the individual trainers). Trainees may undertake sessions under the supervision of professionals other than the local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor (i.e. other trainers). It is the duty of the local Ultrasound Educational Supervisor to ensure that the professional to whom the duty of training is delegated to is sufficiently competent, willing and able to teach the trainee.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Coordinate delivery of the local ultrasound training.
  • Be aware of the RCOG ultrasound curriculum and assessments. Possess the necessary ultrasound scanning skill.
  • Identify and support local ultrasound trainers.
  • Ensure quality control of ultrasound training.
  • Take responsibility, with support from the Deanery Ultrasound Coordinator and College Tutor as necessary, for responding to the needs of trainees in difficulty.

Person specification

Essential characteristics

  • Be a fully trained medical practitioner (consultant, SAS doctor, ultrasonographer). Have an interest in education.
  • Have skills in appraisal and feedback.
  • Be approved jointly by the deanery/College Tutor and NHS services. Be trained in equality and diversity.
  • Undergo annual appraisal of educational role as per deanery and NHS processes.

Time required and job planning

This role will require time within the job plan, which is dependent upon the number of trainees undergoing training within the unit at any one time and the level of ultrasound training required. The Ultrasound Educational Supervisor is advised to keep a diary to present at the job planning process in order to determine the individual time required.
