This page brings together a range of RCOG and non-RCOG resources that will support trainers in O&G.
Training courses
Like any professional skill, teaching and facilitating medical education requires development. We encourage Educational Supervisors to seek training in educational theory and practice.
The RCOG runs the following courses for those undertaking educational roles – you can search for and book courses from our events listings:
- Training the Trainers (‘T3’)
- How to be a College Tutor
- College Tutors’ Meeting
- Annual Professional Development Conference
Those who wish to extend themselves further may decide to take a course leading to a diploma or masters qualification, such as:
- Certificate/diploma/MEd in medical education (available at Dundee University)
- MEd in higher education (available at most universities)
- Accreditation via experience (available at Institute of Learning and Teaching)
RCOG Learning
In addition to the eLearning packages for for trainees, RCOG Learning provides the following resources for trainers:
- The teaching resources section provide case studies, discussion points and tasks for use in teaching sessions
- The workplace videos demonstrate best practice in specialty training, including workplace-based assessments and how to give effective feedback in training
- The core training tutorials in RCOG eLearning include information on teaching, assessment, appraisal and mentoring
Educational Supervisors' Toolkit
High-quality Educational Supervision is the foundation of good training with the Educational Supervisor (ES) responsible for the overall supervision and management of the trainees’ educational progress. The role of the ES was enhanced with the introduction of the 2019 curriculum, with increased responsibility to support trainees. More regular contact is expected and the quality of the relationship is crucial to ensure the ES can make their global assessment. One of the findings from the 2021 ES survey indicated that trainers required more support and resources to perform their role to a high standard.
Definition of an Educational Supervisor
An Educational Supervisor (ES) is a named individual who is responsible for supporting, guiding, and monitoring the progress of a named trainee or doctor for a specified period.
The purpose of the ES toolkit is to:
- Clearly define the Educational Supervisor role in obstetrics and gynaecology
- Signpost educational supervisors to resources to support initial and ongoing training to do the role
- Provide support to educational supervisors who are supervising trainees with specific needs
Location and access
The Educational Supervisors' Toolkit is available to all RCOG members on RCOG Learning, our online learning resource for O&G professionals at all stages of their careers.
To access the Toolkit, you will need to log in with your RCOG website details and opt-in to accept the LMS terms and conditions on your first visit. You can then access the Toolkit here, or via the ‘My courses’ menu on your RCOG Learning homepage.
The Educational Supervisors’ Toolkit is available to purchase for non-RCOG members here.
If you are an institution interested in purchasing multiple licenses for this resource, please contact to discuss your requirements.
Content of the toolkit
- Module 1: What is an Educational Supervisor?
- Module 2: The educational appraisal
- Module 3: The ARCP: what is my role as an ES?
- Module 4: The Training e-portfolio and Curriculum: how to guide for ESs
- Module 5: Being an ES for Trainees facing challenges:
- Module 6: Being an Educational Supervisor for Less than Full Time (LTFT) trainees
- Module 7: Supporting trainees returning to work after a period of absence
- Module 8: Differential attainment for the Educational Supervisor
- Module 9: Being an Educational Supervisor to a doctor outside of a formal training programme
The RCOG would like to thank those who contributed to the creation of this toolkit
- Simi Bansal
- Alastair Campbell
- Yee Yin Chan
- Sonji Clarke
- Sarah Court
- Susie Crowe
- Helen Goodall
- Laura Hipple
- Rehan Khan
- Sivaprakasam Manjambigai
- Elisabeth Peregrine
- Aparna Reddy
- Eman Toeima
- Susan Ward
Useful websites
Evidence-based medicine
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
- Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
- US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (CEBM)
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)
- Current Controlled Trials – database of controlled trials (password required)
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme
- Discern – instructs on assessment of health information, funded by the NHS Executive Research and Development Programme
Medico-legal services and ethics
- General Medical Council (GMC) – has information on consent, ethics and good practice
- British Medical Association (BMA) – has sections on ethics
Medical guidelines and patient information sheets
- RCOG guidelines
- RCOG patient information
- NHS Choices – NHS site for patients
Online indexed databases (with search capability)
- RCOG library database access
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) Health Information – US government health site with access to Medline and biomedical databses, clinical trials database, consumer groups, etc.
Government and international organisations
- Department of Health (DH)
- National Health Service (NHS)
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) reports to 2011 – MBRRACE-UK has now taken on this programme of work

Specialty training in O&G
Overview of the specialty training programme in O&G, including assessment and certification of training