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Nominating a simulation lead

Heads of schools working with the support of the postgraduate dean should consider nominating a regional gynaecological simulation lead.

This person would oversee developing the laparoscopic simulation programme within the deanery and implementing the structured curriculum. This person would be responsible for creating and overseeing a regional simulation hub and recruiting a core faculty to support the simulation training programme. They would also be responsible for signposting trainees to other training resources – local, national and international including established national training schemes e.g. BSGE RIGS (appendix 1).

Each unit should also consider nominating a surgical lead who will work closely with the regional simulation lead to deliver the structured laparoscopic simulation programme. The lead clinician should be able to provide the trainees with required simulation access (including consumables) or be able to guide the trainee to a simulation technician (e.g. someone working in medical education) who will be able to do this. They should be able to ensure that trainees meet their expected requirements and the overall smooth running of simulation training.

In some smaller units this could be the college tutor. In larger units this could be a consultant with an interest in gynaecology and or simulation.

Formal remuneration and job planning is recommended. Regional simulation leads should be offered between 0.5-1 PA and unit simulation leads should be offered 0.25-0.5PA.
