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O&G Surgical Skills Interim Report

Assessing the current state of surgical training and shaping the future of O&G surgery


A well-trained and adequately supported surgical workforce is critical to the future of obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G). With 3,000 O&G trainees and 2,400 consultants currently practicing in the UK, ensuring access to high-quality surgical training has never been more important.

The O&G Surgical Skills Interim Report, key output from Phase 1 of the O&G Surgical Skills Project, provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state of surgical training and highlights areas for improvement as the project moves into Phase 2 in March 2025.

Key findings: challenges in O&G surgical training

  • The landscape of O&G is undergoing significant transformation due to evolving clinical practices, technological advances and shifting workforce demands. Gynaecology waiting lists have seen one of the biggest increases of all medical specialties. 
  • Our UK trainees face significant difficulty meeting their Stage 1, 2 and 3 surgical training competencies.  
  • Exposure to emergency operating remains low, with many doctors reporting inadequate training opportunities. 
  • Staffing gaps on the rotas are common with 50% of doctors reporting coming in on their off days to complete their training.  
  • These changes are putting additional pressure on O&G doctors to deliver care quickly, with less protected time available for training. 

Phase two: five key areas of focus

The future workforce 

Our future workforce face significant challenges shaped by the evolving healthcare landscape and the increasing complexity of patient needs. We need new strategies to support our workforce to match shifting demands. We also need to develop strong progressive career support for each resident doctor and ensure we provide a workforce that can manage increased surgical complexity. 

Virtual training  

Simulation training has become a vital tool for surgical skills acquisition, providing a safe, controlled environment where doctors can practice procedures without risking patient safety. We will look at how we can embed simulation training into the RCOG curriculum and will establish a Simulation Working Group to ensure equal access to training.  

Re-prioritise surgical training 

Long gynaecology waiting lists, workforce shortages and increasing complexity of surgeries have limited trainees exposure to surgical skills practice and training. We need to reprioritise gynaecology surgery training and look at how we can harness new technologies, such as the use of robotics and AI training methods in complex surgical care. 

Lifelong learning  

O&G consultants and specialists need the time and space to continue their surgical skills acquisition. The next phase of this project plans to focus on the role of structured mentorship to allow more experienced doctors to mentor and develop the skills of more junior doctors.  

Invest in the educators 

Investing in gynaecology surgical trainers and mentors is vital for the development of highly skilled, confident, and competent surgeons in the field. They need better support, financial incentives and protected time to allow them to keep delivering high quality training. 

Read the full report

The O&G Surgical Skills Interim Report defines the current state of surgical training within O&G and identifies areas for improvement in preparation for Phase 2 of the project, commencing in March 2025.

Learn more about the O&G Surgical Skills Project

This report is part of Phase 1 of the O&G Surgical Skills Project is a three-year initiative to enhance surgical training, tackle workforce challenges, and improve access to high-quality education for O&G professionals. Explore the project's objectives, key milestones, and upcoming phases.
