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Improving workplace behaviours

Our work to improve workplace behaviours by addressing undermining and bullying behaviour.

Undermining in obstetrics and gynaecology

Undermining and bullying behaviour has long been recognised as a problem for trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), as shown by repeated General Medical Council (GMC) trainee surveys. O&G trainees report more undermining behaviour than any other medical specialty, which is a matter of concern.

The RCOG is committed to improving the workplace for the benefit of both staff and the women and families we care for. Read the RCOG and RCM joint statement on bullying and undermining in the workplace.

eLearning resource

The practical, interactive and free-to-access eLearning resource on improving workplace behaviour aims to raise awareness of undermining and bullying in the workplace and illustrate ways to tackle the problem.

RCOG Workplace Behaviours Advisor

In 2013, we appointed Dr Joanna Mountfield FRCOG as the College’s first Workplace Behaviours Advisor – the first medical royal college to make such an appointment. 

Our current Workplace Behaviour Advisors are Dr Ganga Verma and Dr Susie Crowe.

Dr Ganga Verma

Ganga is a consultant in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and as well as being one of the Workplace Behaviour Advisors for the RCOG, is also a Freedom to Speak Up guardian in her own trust.  

Through her desire to gain a deeper understanding of why negativity in the workplace exists, how it affects different people in different circumstances and what can be done to eradicate it, Ganga has  been involved as an active member of the Civility Saves Lives campaign.

In addition, Ganga proficiently led on developing the ‘Addressing poor behaviours and Calling it Out’ module of the Workplace Behaviour Toolkit resource, and is passionate about promoting positive workplace behaviours through engaging with and supporting individuals, trusts and deaneries. 

Dr Susie Crowe

As well as being one of the RCOG Workplace Behaviour Advisors, Susie is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist working at Barts Health NHS Trust, the President of the British Intrapartum Care Society (BICS), and is also the National Specialty Advisor in Obstetrics for NHSE. 

With a wealth of experience in leadership, including as intrapartum lead, obstetric lead, clinical director, regional lead obstetrician for London, and maternity improvement advisor for NHSE, Susie has continually supported departments to strive for excellence and create systems based on kindness and compassion. 

Susie has a passion for improving maternity care at local, regional, and national levels and acknowledges that in order to deliver high quality care for women, birthing people and their families, nurturing environments need to be created through compassionate leadership and establishing the right culture to ensure our workforce can feel psychologically safe and thrive.

Other useful resources
