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1.1 Is what I have experienced bullying/undermining?

Often the most important way of realising that there is a problem is how a certain behaviour or interaction has made you feel or impacted your behaviour.

Signs that you are being bullied or undermined may include:

  • You avoid talking to/seeing/phoning/emailing a colleague as you think they will make negative comments
  • You want to avoid work as you feel unhappy when you are there
  • You feel scared to contribute to discussions
  • You feel nervous at work in case you get blamed when things go wrong
  • The team does not work well together and there is breakdown in communication

Module 7 will walk you through definitions and examples of different types of poor workplace behaviours including bullying, undermining, harassment and incivility. 

In many cases the behaviour that makes individuals feel like this is unintended. However, it has wide reaching consequences and you shouldn’t be made to feel like this at work. Addressing both one off instances and persistent patterns of poor behaviour are important for you, your team and your patients.

Well done for visiting this module to explore what can be done. We recommend that you talk to someone about your experience so you receive support as you move forwards.  Continue this module to explore the possible steps you can take. They can make a real difference.
