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1.4 What can I do to improve my wellbeing?

Being a recipient of bullying/undermining can be very distressing. It can impact on your wellbeing and reduce your own performance at work.

There is evidence on the negative effects of being a recipient of incivility at work:

  • 80% of recipients lose time worrying about the rudeness
  • 38% of recipients reduce the quality of their work
  • 48% of recipients reduce their time at work
  • 25% of recipients take it out on service users

Be aware of this impact on you as you continue your clinical work so you can try to redress this where possible. It is also important to be aware that in some cases the effects of poor workplace behaviour can lead to persistent low mood or even depression. See below for resources to support your wellbeing.


Video: How incivility shuts down your brain at work | Christine Porath I was being undermined at work it affected my self-esteem. I began to question the other relationships I had at work and wondered if others also secretly disliked me. I started to avoid situations where I thought I would be undermined again.  It really impacted on both my effectiveness and enjoyment at work. Even outside of work, I found that it affected my behaviour and put strain on my personal relationships.’
A junior doctor

It is important not to underestimate the effect of being subjected to, witnessing and even working to resolve poor workplace behaviours on your wellbeing. Seeking support is really key.  Below are some resources to support your own wellbeing.

Support Services

For midwives & nurses

For doctors

Resilience Resources

Resilience is the ‘ability to bounce back in the face of adversity, and to develop coping mechanisms and techniques to deal with stressful situations and life challenges’.

Resilience is not about needing to respond to stressful situations unaided but can provide tools to help when one is going through a difficult time.

Remember to talk, exercise, eat well, and do things you enjoy.

Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness is noticing or ‘paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you’.

There are many independent resources, apps, courses and books available in this area.
