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2.1 Is what I have witnessed bullying or undermining?

Sometimes it is obvious that a behaviour was unacceptable. In other cases it can be more difficult.

Before you take further action, it can be helpful to classify or define the behaviour you have witnessed, so that you can take the most appropriate action.

Module 7 "I want to learn more about workplace behaviour" will walk you through definitions and examples of different types of poor workplace behaviours including bullying, undermining, harassment and incivility. Does what you have witnessed fit any of these behaviours?

Remember: Bullying and undermining are defined by how a recipient feels.

It is important to remember that you may see an interaction that looks like bullying or undermining, but the recipient is unaffected.  However, as you will see, witnessing poor behaviours also has negative effects on the team and patient safety so it may be appropriate to take action on this basis, even if the recipient did not perceive the behaviour as problematic.

Thank you for exploring what you can do to support a colleague.  Continue this module to explore the possible steps you can take.  They can make a real difference.  And remember, you are not alone.  There are many people you can go to for support and advice as outlined here.
