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4.1 What might poor workplace behaviour in my department look like?

Poor workplace behaviour can manifest itself in different ways in different departments.

There may be one particular individual involved, one problematic clinical setting or there can be a more widespread culture of bullying, undermining or incivility that leads to poor working relationships, difficulties in communication and negative outcomes for both staff and patients.

Poor workplace behaviours are often performed inadvertently and without malicious intent. Sometimes they are obvious, but sometimes they are harder to identify and may have become part of “business as usual”.

Video: Make or Break – Incivility in the workplace

Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust have created this video on the effects of incivility in the NHS and the impact on patient safety.  This video reflects how incivility spreads and encourages a focus on kindness and care.

Module 7 "I want to learn more about workplace behaviour" will help you explore and recognise types of poor workplace behaviour such as bullying, undermining and incivility. Do you recognise any of these? Are they present in your department?

If you recognise poor workplace behaviours in your department it is important that they are addressed as they have wide reaching negative consequences.

Techniques to reduce such behaviours are explored in Question 4 in this module, "What can I do to address a problem with poor workplace behaviour in my department?".
