Positive working environments and cultures have positive effects on individuals, the team and ultimately patient safety.
Sadly the converse is also true and poor behaviours affect not only staff wellbeing but patient safety.
Module 7, Question 4 "What are the effects of poor workplace behaviour and culture on patient safety, the team and quality of training?" presents evidence demonstrating the consequences of poor workplace behaviour on the individual, the team and on our patients.
Video: How incivility shuts down our brains at work – Christine Porath
Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust have created this video on the effects of incivility in the NHS and the impact on patient safety. This video reflects how incivility spreads and encourages a focus on kindness and care.
Video: When rudeness in teams turned deadly – Chris Turner
‘Bullying and harassment have no place in the NHS. The NHS Constitution provides the framework for the principles and values of the NHS in England. The NHS People Plan reminds us to ensure that staff must feel valued, supported and empowered to carry out their work. Therefore, we must address levels of bullying and create compassionate and inclusive cultures which has implications for staff health & wellbeing, staff engagement and ultimately patient care.’
Prerana Issar, Chief People Officer, NHS improvement1
Infographic: Incivility – The Facts
See infographics by Civility Saves Lives at www.civilitysaveslives.com/infographics
1. NHSi Civility and Respect Toolkit. https://www.socialpartnershipforum.org/media/177307/NHSi-Civility-and-Respect-Toolkit-v9.pdf