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5.2 Why is it important to address such a problem?

As Heads of School or Training Programme Directors, you are in a position to set the tone for what behaviour is acceptable in your deanery.

The consequences of poor workplace behaviour are wide reaching and include the quality of training and trainee wellbeing.

Analysis of the annual Training Evaluation Form (TEF) consistently demonstrates a positive correlation between good workplace behaviours and higher quality O&G training (including a trainee’s overall recommendation of their unit).1,2

More detail is available in the TEF reports on workplace behaviour.

Chart: 2019 Trust Indicator Scores – Behaviours experienced vs overall recommendation


1. Quinn S, Frost J, Berry J, Bahl R. The impact of undermining and bullying on O&G training in the UK.  BJOG 2019; 126 (S2): p33.

