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6.4 Where can Workplace Behaviour Champions get support?

Being a workplace behaviour champion isn’t an easy job.

Driving forward positive and effective workplace culture is a challenge. It is often difficult to know how to help those who approach you and you will often need to seek advice.

Being the champion for WPB does not mean you know all the answers, or that you have to do everything yourself.

  1. What practical advice is there for tackling poor workplace behaviour?
  2. Who can you speak to for more support on what to do?
  3. Resources to support your wellbeing are available under Module 1, Question 4 "What can I do to improve my wellbeing?"

1. What practical advice is there for tackling poor workplace behaviour?

  1. Explore this toolkit – put yourself in the shoes of each user. When someone asks you for help you can refer them to the relevant module and share what you now know.
  2. For approaches to improve the culture in a department Module 4 "I am responsible for a department that has a problem with bullying or undermining" of the toolkit may be of particular use.
  3. The NHS Improvement (PDF) and the BMA (PDF) have very good publications which explore ways to address poor workplace behaviour and create a supportive and inclusive culture.
  4. Get to know your workplace/your region:
    1. What local links and resources are available for addressing workplace culture?
    2. Have you seen your department’s bullying policy?
    3. Do you know your local Freedom to Speak Up Guardian?
    4. Do you know who your RCOG Regional WPB Champion is?
    5. Speak with the senior clinical management team, education team, HR and executive team.
    6. Do you know who your Guardian of Safe Working and Director of Medical Education are? 

2. Who can you speak to for more support on what to do?

As a workplace behaviour champion colleagues will hopefully come to you for advice and support relating to workplace behaviour issues.  However, you are not expected to deal with the issues alone.  Here are some examples of people who can provide you with advice or are well placed to take action on your request.

  • Regional Workplace Behaviour Champion
  • Freedom to Speak Up Guardians: find your your local guardian
  • External Organisations e.g. ACASBMARCMRCN
  • Human Resources department

Additional role-specific resources


  • All: Clinical Lead, Clinical Director, Director of Medical Education
  • Trainees: Educational supervisor, College Tutor, TPD or Head of School, Trainee representatives, HEE/Deanery teams, Guardian of safe working
  • MTIs: Educational supervisor, regional MTI champions
  • SAS Drs: Educational/clinical supervisor, your trust’s SAS Tutor +/- SAS advocate


  • Midwifery Manager
  • Head of Midwifery
  • Local RCM workplace representative
  • Professional midwifery advocate