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Job plan approval process

RCOG approval of consultant and specialist job plans

The RCOG supports a transparent approach to job planning that aligns with the developmental objectives of the appointee and the department. Follow the guidance below to successfully submit your job plan and ensure it meets RCOG standards.

Before you begin

Before writing and submitting your job plan, review the RCOG criteria and templates to ensure it meets all requirements. Additionally, ensure your job plan aligns with relevant national guidelines.

Key resources to consult before submission:

Please note:

  • Send only one job plan per email, and ensure each has a completed checklist.
  • Do not advertise roles as "pending RCOG approval" or "awaiting College approval." 
  • The RCOG Approval kite mark is only for use with approved job plans.
  • It is advisable that you send us the job plan and checklist at least 12 weeks prior to the interview date to ensure you are able to secure approval and an AAC assessor for your panel. 

Steps for approval

Follow these steps to submit your job plan for RCOG approval:

  1. Create your job plan and description

    Read the relevant exemplar templates and guidance provided below. These templates help ensure that your submission meets RCOG standards.

  2. Download and review the checklist

    Before submitting, carefully review the relevant RCOG approval checklist to ensure all required information is included in your job plan. This helps avoid delays in the approval process.

  3. Submit your documents

    Email the completed job plan and checklist to

After approval

Once your job plan has been reviewed and approved:

  • The trust/health board will receive a list of AAC assessors from neighbouring regions to participate in an AAC interview panel.
  • The RCOG will send an RCOG Approval kite mark, which may be used when advertising the job.