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Doctors in training


SuppoRTT was created by NHS England to facilitate a safe return to work for doctors in training. It offers a vast array of learning and support resources that can be customised to meet unique needs.

How to access SuppoRTT?

Once the doctor knows they are going to be taking a break from work, they should contact their local HEE team as soon as is practically possible. This can help facilitate an easier return to work and enable the doctor to effectively utilise their time away.

The local HEE team can provide the doctor with personalised advice and a bespoke ‘return to training’ package with the supervisor.

Every regional HEE team offers slightly different resources within the SuppoRTT programme, but since each doctor's needs are unique, there is an opportunity to request other resources if they would benefit the doctor returning; this should be discussed with the doctor's supervisor.

SuppoRTT | Health Education England (

Planning an absence from work

If you are planning an absence from work, you need to:

  • Arrange an Absence from Work meeting with your Educational Supervisor (ES) at the earliest date possible
  • Complete part one of the Return to Work form (Word doc)(or local deanery equivalent paperwork)
  • Forward the completed form to your Training Programme Director (TPD) and Deanery Specialty Lead
  • Arrange a Workplace Risk Assessment if applicable

Read more about planning an absence from work

Planning a return to work

If you are planning a return to work, you need to:

  • Arrange a Return to Work meeting with your ES 6-8 weeks before the return date
  • Discuss and agree your learning needs and period of support/supervision
  • Complete the first part of the Return to Work form (Word doc) or local deanery equivalent paperwork
  • Attend keeping in touch (KIT) days and utilise other methods of ‘keeping up to date’ such as accessing your organisations intranet
  • Arrange a Workplace Risk Assessment if applicable.

Read more about planning a return to work

Returning to work and assessing readiness to practice

When returning to work, you will need to assess your readiness to practice through the following steps: 

  • Review of satisfactory progress after period of supervision
  • Complete the second part of the Return to work form (Word doc)
  • Forward completed form to TPD and Deanery Specialty Lead

Read more about assessing readiness to practice

*Where local deanery equivalent paperwork is not available, the RCOG paperwork should be completed.

Modified from Pierson, ‘The Pregnancy Pack’, West Midlands Anaesthetic Deanery (6).
