In response to concerns raised about the mandatory redeployment of O&G staff outside of maternity services in acute trusts, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) carried out a survey, inviting UK trainees, associates, members and fellows to feedback on their experiences of staffing changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The RCOG recognises that some trusts/units have had major challenges in staffing COVID-19 facing and intensive care services. This report aims to identify changes in the deployment of middle grades, juniors, SAS doctors and consultants within hospitals and maternity units as well as other changes to the services.
As part of the study, O&G professionals were encouraged to raise any concerns they had with the planning and implementation of staff changes as well as offer learning opportunities and unexpected positive outcomes as a result of the reorganisation of staff.
The report offers actions and recommendations based on the survey findings to inform future decision making in this area should a second wave occur.