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Press centre

Information and contact details for journalists and members of the media

The RCOG Press Office handles press enquiries about the College’s work and the specialty of obstetrics and gynaecology.

Spokespeople and case studies

The RCOG has a number of clinical spokespeople and advisors available for interview. Through our Women’s Network and Women’s Voices Involvement Panel, we also have access to a small number of case studies who are willing to speak to the media about their experience of women’s health conditions and childbirth. Contact us using the details below for more information.

Social media

For the latest news and updates on the work of the RCOG, you can follow us on Twitter (@RCObsGyn), Instagram (@royalcollegeobsandgynae), LinkedIn and on Facebook (RCObsGyn).

Media and policy contacts

For all media enquiries, please contact:


Tel: +44 (0) 7986 183167

For all enquiries about policy, please contact:


Accredited journalists

If you are a journalist and would like to receive embargoed RCOG press releases and articles, please email to be included on our mailing list.

Please provide details of the newspaper or publication/s you write for and your contact details, including email address and telephone numbers.
