F&GPC papers
Members of F&GPC can download meeting papers here (please note you will need to be signed into the website).
Meeting dates
F&GPC meets bi-monthly
1. Executive
The committee will:
- Report to the Board of Trustees.
- Assist the Officers in developing a strategy for the College.
- Review and recommend changes to RCOG Regulations.
- Perform, on behalf of the Board, matters of routine business.
- Recommend to Trustees and Council changes in Chairs and committee membership depending on the relevant reporting structure.
- Submit recommendations to establish working parties, their remit and membership to the Trustees and Council within their respective delegated authority.
- To consider recommendations received from Officers and to make recommendations to Council of Honorary Fellows, Fellows ad eundem, Fellows honoris causa and Members without examination.
- To approve and execute deeds excepting those that commit the College to over £100k expenditure.
2. Finance
- Review annual revenue and capital budgets and recommend to the Trustees.
- Receive and critically appraise monthly management accounts and any other financial statements as required or requested.
- Review year end out-turns.
- Review annual subscriptions, examination fees, registration fees and other charges to Fellows, Members and Trainees.
- Consider exceptional expenditure not included in the approved annual budget, within the limits set out in the Standing Financial Instructions.
- Annually review the Investment Policy Statement and recommend to the Trustees.
- Review and approve restricted fund applications.
3. Management
- Note changes in staff, staff structure and consider changes to the terms and conditions of employment.
- Review and recommend contracts with suppliers and government agencies that commit the College to expenditure of £250k or over, per annum.
- Receive the minutes of the following committees:
- Receive recommendations from all College committees where these have a personnel or unbudgeted and/or significant financial impact.
4. Meeting arrangements
- A quorum will be 5 members, at least 3 of whom will be non-executive.
- The Committee will generally meet monthly, except for August.
Please send all correspondence to the committee secretary.
- Mr Roy Clarke
- President: Dr Ranee Thakar
- Senior Vice President, Global Health: Professor Hassan Shehata
- Vice President, Academia & Strategy: Professor Asma Khalil
- Vice President, Clinical Quality: Mrs Geeta Kumar
- Vice President, Education: Mr Ian Scudamore
- Vice President, Membership and Workforce: Dr Laura Hipple
- Fellows' Representative from Council: Mr Andrew Leather
- Members’ Representative from Council: Dr Vanitha Kumar
- Trainees' Committee Representative: Dr Heidi Stelling / Dr Kat Barton
- Chief Executive: Ms Kate Lancaster
- Executive Director, Education & Quality: Ms Carly Edwards
- Executive Director, External Affairs: Mr Ben Butler
- Executive Director, Finance & Commercial: Ms Ashley Wang
- Executive Director, Membership, Global & Governance: Ms Kristen Morgan
- SAS/LED Committee Chair: Ms Eman Toeima