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Fellowship ad eundem and honoris causa

Fellowships ad eundem and Fellowship honoris causa are awarded to individuals who have contributed to the field of obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G) or the advancement of women’s healthcare. These Fellowships are designed to recognise those who are not College members.

The eligibility criteria and nomination process are outlined below.


Fellowship ad eundem is bestowed by the College to individuals who:

  • Have demonstrated, through research or clinical commitment, major contributions to obstetrics, gynaecology or reproductive health and
  • Have contributed to the advancement of the science or practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in a substantial way and
  • Are of an extremely high scientific calibre

Fellowship honoris causa is bestowed by the College to individuals who have demonstrated the highest level of:

  • Dedication and achievement in clinical care or
  • Support to the development of women’s healthcare services or
  • Work or support for the RCOG

Who can nominate someone?

Only current RCOG Fellows and Members can nominate someone for a Fellowship ad eundem or Fellowship honoris causa. To nominate someone for this award, applicants must complete an online nomination form (see below) and submit a CV on behalf of the nominee. RCOG Fellows or Members may only make one nomination per year/award round.

The nominator must also identify a supporter, or second nominator, as part of the application process. The supporter must be a current RCOG Fellow or Member and may only act as supporter for one nomination per year/award round.

How are the submissions assessed?

A panel of RCOG assessors meets once a year after the application deadline to consider all nominations. During this meeting, the panel creates a list of successful nominees for ratification at Council. Successful nominees are granted either Fellowship ad eundem or Fellowship honoris causa.

Nomination forms

Nominations for 2024 are now closed and will reopen in Spring 2025.

The nomination form is hosted on the Oxford Abstracts platform below. Please register for an account using your email address.

For further guidance on how to submit your application, please see Oxford Abstracts' guidance on making a submission.

Fellowship ad eundem is awarded to people who are not members of the College but who have contributed to the advancement of the science or practice of O&G and whom Council considers have furthered the interests of the specialty.



Fellows ad eundem


Ganesh Dangal

Thomas Gellhaus

Malcolm Gordon Munro

Mohan Shashikant Kamath

Neeta Singh

Helena Teede


Partha Basu

Prabha Chandra

Ayres de Campos Diogo

Nuruddin Mohammed


Robert Babieri

Christos Coutifaris

Kiran Guleria

Mario Merialdi

Jie Qiao

Achala Vaidya

Krina Zondervan


Leisa Freeman

Olufemi Oladapo

Alastair Sutcliffe


Neerja Bhatla

D. Gareth Evans

Tommaso Falcone

Sara Kenyon

Sanath Dharmasi Lanerolle

Lucy Mackillop

Neeta Warty

Beverly Winikoff


Elizabeth S Draper

Sir Cyril Chantler

Senait Fisseha

Krishnendu Gupta

Chanda Karki

Barbara Levy

Charles J. Lockwood

Frank Louwen

Pisake Lumbiganon

Hrishikesh Pai

Loic Sentilhes

Rubina Sohail

Dagan Wells

Al Fareed Zafar

2018 Alpesh Gandhi
Yuk Ming Dennis Lo
Laura A Magee
Mary D Stephenson
Diethelm Wallwiener
Anthony Costello
Patricia Lohr
2017 Moawia Elsadig Hummeida
Akinyinka Omokolapo Omigbodun
Oladosu Akanbi Ojengbede
Matthews Mathai
Richard Legro
Dino Antonio Giussani
Marian Knight
Dick Oepkes
Yoel Sadovsky
Magnus Westgren
David John Williams
2016 Basil Tarlatzis
Martin Widschwendter
Deborah Driscoll
John Mercer Thorp
Rizwana Chaudhri
Walfrido Sumpaico
Linda Carmen Giudice
Isaac Folorunso Adewole
Jan Hendrik Piet Van der Meulen
John DeLancey
2015 Murray David Mitchell
Roberto Romero
Ian Hector Frazer
Yves G Ville
Ashley Moffett
Bartholomeus Clement Johannes Maris Fauser
Philippa Saunders
Bissallah Ahmed Ekele
2014 Matthews Mathai
Dirk Jan Hendrik Timmerman
Allan Anthony Pacey
Luca Gianaroli
Neil James Sebire
Francois Henry Nosten
Steven Goldstein
Stephen James Lye
2013 Colin Peter Sibley
Tom Patrick Fleming
Bernard Clarke
Chiara Benedetto
James Nello Martin
Gudrun Elisabeth Moore
Leslie Myatt
Ioannis Messinis
Jose Miguel Palacios-Jaraquemada
Robert Leslie Reid
2012 Harry Reich
Chaudhuri Gautam
Lynette Ann Denny
Jan Am Deprest
Klaus Friese
Gillian Monica Thomas
2011 Kevan Richard Wylie
Lil Elisabeth Ingmarsdotter Valentin
Hermann Peter Gerhard Schneider
Gian Carlo Di Renzo
Aris Antsaklis
Rolf Kreienberg
2010 Christine Ann Lee
Frank A Chervenak
Louis Gerald Keith
Felice Petraglia
Anibal Faundes
2009 Stephen Gilbert Hillier
Liam Joseph Donaldson
Joachim Wolfram Dudenhausen
Mary Elizabeth Hannah
David Mark Olson
Takeshi Maruo
2008 James R Scott
Michael Thomas Mennuti
Guylaine Gisele Lefebvre
Ronald S Gibbs
Robert J Gauthier
Margaret Anne Stanley
Janet Mary Rennie
Friday Okonofua
Pedro Acien
Jacques Milliez
Bajo (Jose Manuel) Arenas
Walter Jonat
2007 Alan Osborne Trounson
Quazi Monirul Islam
David Morritz de Kretser
Klaus Hermann Rolf Deidrich
Alka Kriplani
Gerard Hille Adriaan Visser
Catherine Nelson-Piercy
Kenneth Fredrick Clark
Rona Elizabeth McCandlish
David Stewart Sowden
Thomas Graham Brown
Timothy Robert Bradley Johnson
2006 James Low
Susan Wray
Barend Lindeque
Kamal Buckshee
Patricia Hamilton
Paul Barnett
2005 Roy Homberg
John Lazarus
Suneeta Mittal
Dorothy Shaw
George Creatsas
Paul Devroey
Mokhtar Toppozada
Arnaldo Acosta
Jose Villar
2004 Tengiz Asatiani
Sanu Maiyan Dali
Andrea Genazzani
Wolfgang Holzgreve
Martin Johnson
Frederick Sai
Michael Wells
Luis Cabero
Griselda Cooper
Suzi Leather
2003 Carl Djerassi
Ariff Bongso
Tony Chung
Piergiorgio Crosignani
Laszlo Kovacs
Daniel Mishell
Lucilla Poston
Henry Leese
Farrukh Zaman
Mark Andrew Michael Stephen Leigh
Kaye Wellings
2002 Johannes Evers
Henry Burger
Joy Delhanty
David Healy
Andre Lalonde
Robert Resnick
Joe Simpson
2001 Valerie Beral
John Cox
Jacques Donnez
Mohamed Fayad
Mark Hanson
Barbara Elise Kwast
Gwyneth Lewis
Frank Miller
Lorna Muirhead
2000 Paul Van Look
Nargesh Motashaw
Eli Y Adashi
David Malcolm Potts
Stephen Franks
Richard Paul
James Roberts
Juriy Wladimiroff
John Rock
1999 Guiseppe Pino Benagiano
Marc Allan Bygdeman
Robert Kenwood Creasy
Patricia Ann Jacobs
Yung Wai Loke
Karel Marsal
Richard H Schwarz
Andre Constant Van Steirteghem
1998 Otto Bleker
Eunice Brookman-Amissah
John Burn
John Challis
Ralph Hale
Charles Hammond
George Malkasian
Frederick Naftolin
Peter Nathaniels
Heinz Prechtl
Pramilla Senanayake
Tomris Turmen
1998 Adetokunbo Lucas
Sir Leslie Turnberg
Joseph Schenker
John Queenan
Gillian McIlwaine
Ingemar Ingemarsson
Jacques Lansac
Marc Keirse
William Creasman
William Collins
1997 Shirish Sheth
Rustom Soonawala
Lars Hamberger
Hong-Zhao Song
Robert Jaffee
Alan deCherney
Sir Kenneth Calman
Ivo Brosens
Norman Gant
1996 Fiona Broughton Pipkin
Jelte de Haan
Dian Donnai
Reino Ylikorkala
Felicity Reynolds
John McEwan
Elizabeth Letsky
Wolfgang Kunzel
Albert Huch
Marcus Pembrey
Arthur Herbst
1994 Richard Smethells
Samuel Yen
Sheldon Segal
Raffaele Nappi
Lawrence Longo
Bernadette Modell
William Andrews
Bhasker Rao
Catherine Peckham
1993 Malcolm Ferguson-Smith
David Barker
Anne Cartwright
Dame Rosalinde Hurley
David Lewin
Marshall Lindheimer
Christopher Redman
William Spellacy
Gursaran Talwar
1992 Sir Donald Acheson
Michael de Swiet
Howard Jacobs
Henk Wallenburg
Sir Nicholas Wald
Tapani Luukkainen
John Sciarra
1991 Ezra Davidson
Gordon Dunstan
Dame Dorothy Mary Donaldson
Lidija Andolsek-Jeras
Robert Derom
David Evans
Margaret Brain
Roger Short
Gunnlauger Snaedel
1990 Mahmoud Fathalla
Suporn Koetsawang
Laszlo Lampe
Kurt Semm
Richard Turner-Warwick
Andre van Assche
Eve Wiltshaw
1989 Eva Alberman
Donald Fullerton
Michael Rosen
Martin Vessey
Tom Eskes
Warren Pearse
Markku Seppala
Derrick Tovey
1988 Nafis Sadik
Ian Dawson
Istvan Gati
Frederick Zuspan
Kurt Swolin
Jack Pritchard
Sir David Weatherall
1987 William Dignam
Harold Ellis
H Frangenheim
Robert Greenblatt
Kais Kubba
Hans Ludwig
George Pennington
Edward Quilligan
Erich Saling
Michel Thiery
1986 M C Anderson
E Diczfalusy
H W Jones
G S Jones
J E Macgregor
A McLaren
R M Pitkin
F Fuchs
1985 Donald Barron
Leon Chesley
Robert Geoffrey Edwards
Vaclav Insler
Fred W Kubli
Richard F Mattingly
Emile Papiernik
Felix Noah Rutledge
1984 Harold Fox
Ari Haspels
Roy Parker
Angele Petros Barvazian
Arthur Woodcock
1983 Abbo Hassan Abbo
Zein Mohammed El Nayal
Peter MacNaughton Dunn
Moses Adekoyejo Majekodunmi
Edward Osmund Royle Reynolds
John Marcus Stowers
John Anderson
1982 Hadi Zein El Nahas
Sigurdu S Magnusson
1981 Anne Barbara Michie Anderson
Franco Crainz
Michael Ivo Drury
Harry Hubert Grayson Eastcott
Charles Henning Hendricks
Ekkehard Kuenssberg
Bruno Lunenfeld
Desmond Alan Dill Montgomery CBE
Claude Sureau
1980 Roberto Caldeyro-Barcia
Andrew Gerard Doughty
Oliver Antony Nasseem Husain
Patrick Loudon Mollison
1979 Kenneth Bagshawe
Neville Butler
Paul Polani
Edward Hon
Per Kolstad
1978 Kevin McCaul
Erica Wachtel
1977 Jeffrey Selwyn Crawford
David Alexander Boyes
Saul Bernard Gusberg
Sean Boyle
1976 Cyril George Barnes
Carl Gemzell
Arthur Carleton Crooke
Louis M Hellman
1975 Marcel Renaer
Gerald Isaac Macdonald Swyer
John Edgar Morison
Arthur Tremain Hertig
1974 Raoul Palmer
Elinor Catherine Hamlin
1973 Francis Goeghegan
Pierre Olivier Hubinont
Mogens Ingerslev
Gerrit Kloosterman
Ernst Navratil
1972 Murray Barr
Alfonso Bravo
Frederick Langley
Sir Wilfrid Sheldon
1971 Tassilo Antoine
Harold Clifford Edwards CBE
Sir Albert William Liley
1970 Cyril Astley Clarke
Frank Eyvind Hytten
Margaret Jackson
A Ingleman-Sundberg
1969 John Brewer
Bruce Chown
Geoffrey Sharman Dawes
John Parks
Clyde Randall
1968 Francis Bayard Carter
Hans Ludvig Kottmeier
Ralph Reis
Hermann Hubert Knaus
1967 Peter Maxwell Farrow Bishop
Nicholson Eastman
George Ezra Judd
Angus Macbeth Thomson
Hubert De Watteville
1966 Sir George Godber
Robert Alexander McCance
1965 Albert Edward Claireaux
Emmanuel Cipriano Amoroso
1964 Hans Frederick Bettinger
Kenneth James Franklin
1963 Rohan Williams
James Dixon Boyd
1962 Sir Charles Dodds
Clifford Naunton Morgan
1961 Kate Campbell
Cecil George Paine
1960 Agnes Rose Macgregor
Arthur St G McC Huggett
1959 W J Hamilton
John Murray
1958 Joseph Bamforth
Alan Aird Moncrieff
1957 Norman Capon
1956 Alexander David Telford Govan
1955 Magnus Haines
Claude Taylor
1950 Geoffrey Keynes
R J Minnitt
1944 Leonard Colebrook
Leonard Parsons

Fellowship honoris causa is awarded to people who are not members of the College but who have demonstrated the highest level of dedication and achievement in clinical care or the highest level of support to the development of women’s healthcare services. 



Fellows honoris causa


Joseph Ifeanyi Brian-D Adinma

Taghreed Alhaidari

Nighat Arif

Jyoti Bindal

Jane Fisher

Joanne Fletcher

Ahmed Fawzy Galal

Amer Gharaibeh

Kurian Joseph

Sangeeta Kaushal Mishra

Sheela Mane

Mohamed Momtaz

Manju Puri

Laxmi Shrikhande

Tayyiba Wasim


Imbulana Liyanage Kapilasiri Jayaratne

Sivalingam Cunnavadee Moodley

Muralidhar Pai

John Curtis Stevenson


Mosammat Begum

Jeanne Conry

Mary Dixon-Woods

Tushar Jyoti Kumar Kar

Tamima Rashid Al-Dughaishi

Jaydeep Tank

Cathy Winter


Jane Brewin


Kate Brian

Jane Plumb

Marleen Temmerman

Nikolaos Vrachnis


Ahmet Metin Gulmezoglu

Rolf Steinar Kirschner

Jennifer Kurinczuk

Pratima Mittal

Nandita Palshetkar

Herbert Peterson

Rachel Small

Gill Walton 


Nozer Khurshed Sheriar
Shantha Kumari Sekaran
Edna Adan Ismail
Hefeng Huang
Jinghe Lang


Charles Anawo Ameh
Silke Juliane Dyer
Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini Zuma
Rishma Dhillon Pai
Margaret Kenyatta
Mitchell Besser
Türkiz Gökgöl


Christine Kettle
Debra Holloway
Catherine Dallas Broderick
Jaideep Malhotra
Beena Sam Mathews
Indrani Ganguli
Alice Welbourn


Nada Al-Ameen
Blami Dao
Dilip Kumar Dutta
Rafique Parkar
Sir Michael Marmot
Terence Stephenson


Elhag Mohammed Malik
Lindsay Jane Barnes
Hema Divakar
Narendra Malhotra
Hephzibah Kirubamani Navamani
Rupert Gordon Sherwood


Sally Claire Davies
Maura Lynch
Jennifer Mary Blake
Babatunde Osotimehin
Baroness Julia Babette Sarah Neuberger


Usha Saraiya
Bashir Taha Salih
Hal Clifford Lawrence
David George Thomas Bloomer
Julia Cumberlege
Charnjit Dhillon
Anthony Gordon Dunnett
Joan Higgins
Sheila Joan Shribman


Florence Maureen Mirembe
Sayeba Akhter
Linan Cheng
Antoinette Belfield
Sarah Jane Brown
John Chiene
Edmund Nigel Ramsay Crisp
Catherine Lilian Warwick
Jan Welch
Catherine Sylvia White


Shubha Sagar Trivedi
Malcolm Leon Chiswick
Margaret Rose Oates
Sanjay A Gupte
Jerker Liljestrand
Seshadri Suresh
Kathryn Maria Grady
Peter Jacob Hornnes


France Anne Donnay
Chittaranjan Narahari Purandare
Brian David Hancock
Abdel Latif Ashmaig Khalifa


Duru Shah
Ruta Jolanta Nadisauskiene
Klaus Vetter