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British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE)

Who we are

The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE) exists to improve standards, promote training and encourage the exchange of information in minimal access surgery techniques for women with gynaecological problems.

The BSGE exists not only to serve its members, but also to promote knowledge and understanding of the endoscopic approach to diagnosis and treatment to a wider public, including patients and those responsible for the formulation of healthcare policy.

What we do

Our objectives, as defined in the BSGE constitution, are:

  • To encourage the exchange of clinical experience, scientific thought and investigation among gynaecological endoscopists and practitioners in related techniques.
  • To encourage research and evaluation of endoscopic and related techniques.
  • To foster and further develop links with the RCOG and other medical royal colleges and their appropriate committees.
  • To recommend standards of training in gynaecological endoscopy and related specialties.
  • To promote agreement on terminology and definitions.
  • To promote cooperation between the Society and other relevant European and international societies.

How we do this

We work to achieve these objectives by:

  • Collecting reliable data on current methods and standards.
  • Organising regular scientific meetings.
  • Publishing the proceedings of meetings and promoting published scientific material. Our official journal is Gynaecological Surgery.
  • Coordinating multicentre clinical trials.
  • Auditing the results and complications of endoscopic surgery and related techniques.
  • Advising on the development and content of training programmes, appropriate postgraduate training and continuing professional development (CPD).

Contact us


Read the BSGE newsletter, The Scope


Tel: +44 20 7772 6474
