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Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)

For all doctors who have completed the specialty training programme and have been issued with an Outcome 6.

The CCT is the route to specialist registration for doctors who have completed the RCOG, GMC-approved, specialty training programme.

Doctors appointed to the specialty training programme (run through or combined programme) are eligible to apply for a CCT on successful completion.

You cannot apply for a CCT if you are not registered in the UK Specialty Training Programme.

Applying for your CCT

Once you have been issued with your Outcome 6, please complete the CCT notification form (Word document) and email to

Please ensure that your ATSM/SITM completion forms have been submitted to:

We cannot complete the CCT process without formal ATSM/SITM completion.

You will also need to complete an online GMC form. The link to this form will be emailed to you by the GMC. If you have not received this please email  to let us know.

We aim to make a recommendation within 10 days of receiving your documents.

The GMC has set a 12-month deadline for applying for your CCT, and failure to do so may result in you having to apply for specialist registration via the Portfolio Pathway route. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the CCT process is completed within the timeframe.

To ensure that we make the recommendation to the GMC on time, we would advise that you submit your paperwork to the College at least 4 weeks prior to the deadline to allow for the administration process.

EU recognition

Please contact the GMC for guidance.
