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Single Best Answer questions (SBAs)

This page provides information on the single best answer question (SBA) component of the MRCOG Part 2 exam.

Answering the questions

Each question consists of:

  • A lead-in statement, which tells you clearly what to do
  • A list of 5 options, labelled A–E

The options will nearly always be listed in alphabetical or numerical order for ease of reference. If not, they will be in the most appropriate order for easy reference.

Answer each question by clicking onto the letter that corresponds to the single best answer in the options list. You may feel that there are several possible answers, but you must choose only the most likely one from the options list. 


Incorrect answers are not penalised: each incorrect answer is awarded 0 marks. It’s in your best interests to ensure you select one answer option for each of the SBAs by the end of the exam.

Practice SBAs

Some examples of obstetric and gynaecology SBA format questions are below. Remember that for each question, you need to select the single most appropriate answer from the 5 options listed.

RCOG eLearning contains an additional single best answer (SBA) resource that provides invaluable practice in tackling SBAs for the MRCOG Part 2. For more information and to purchase access, visit Part 2 Exam preparation on RCOG eLearning or email the RCOG eLearning team at

SBA Questions for the MRCOG Part 2, published by Cambridge University Press in conjunction with the RCOG, is available from the Cambridge University Press website (available formats: print and eBook for Adobe eBook Reader), or from Amazon (link is to UK site – the title is also available from other Amazon sites).
