We want your learning experience to be as effective and enjoyable as possible
To help you revise and to give you the best chance of passing your MRCOG Part 2, we’ve put together a range of revision resources. Browse the support materials below. You will also receive bespoke communications with the latest updates and offers after you register your interest.

To give you the best chance of passing your MRCOG Part 2 exam, we have developed a brand new comprehensive revision bundle of existing resources. This is a flexible approach to your revision, with all content available on demand.

This online revision course course will empower you to learn from expert speakers and fellow candidates in real-time, developing your knowledge of the curriculum and boosting your confidence in the MRCOG Part 2 exam.

RCOG Learning is a perfect resource for MRCOG Part 2 candidates, with SBAs, EMQs and 98 core tutorials to help candidates gain the knowledge and confidence they need to pass the MRCOG Part 2 exam.

Our Green-top Guidelines are a vital practical resource for all exam candidates. The MRCOG Part 2 Committee, which is responsible for setting the exam questions, uses the Green-top Guidelines as a reference point when writing the papers, so revising the guidelines will help you understand what the exam questions require of you.

TOG contains high-quality peer-reviewed articles on obstetrics and gynaecology that aim to inform your clinical practice. Using TOG questions will help you assess your knowledge and improve your learning experience as you prepare for your exams.

We have created example EMQs to help you prepare for the MRCOG Part 2 exam. Each question will consist of a lead-in statement (which tells you clearly what to do), a question and a list of possible options to choose from.

We have created practice SBA questions for both obstetrics and gynaecology to help you prepare for the MRCOG Part 2 exam. Answers and comments for each question are provided.
The College works in partnership with Cambridge University Press to develop resources for exam candidates. Registered trainees of the RCOG are eligible for a 20% discount on all Cambridge University Press Academic titles.
- For more details of books specifically designed to support MRCOG Part 2 candidates and how to order, visit the Cambridge University Press website
Register with the RCOG
We encourage all candidates to register with the College to gain access to a range of benefits that will help you prepare for the exam.
For Trainees appointed to a type 1 StR post in the UK, it’s mandatory to subscribe to the Trainees’ Register. Annual renewal of the subscription fees is mandatory until you’ve passed the MRCOG Part 3, at which point you’ll be eligible for the full membership benefits.
For Trainees appointed to FTSTA posts (fixed-term specialty training appointments), subscribing to the Trainees’ Register is highly recommended but not mandatory. However, if you require ePortfolio access, you will need to subscribe to the Trainees’ Register.
International Trainees and international exam candidates are not eligible to join the Trainees’ Register, but it is strongly recommended that you become an RCOG Associate.
If you already hold the MRCOG you are not eligible to join the Trainees' Register or become an RCOG Associate.