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Best Practice Papers (BPP) are peer-reviewed generic papers that can easily be adapted to local circumstances.

The papers are aimed at staff providing health care on a daily basis; trainees and medical students; and advocates and policy-makers looking to improve their services.

These BPPs were updated in 2022 and peer-reviewed by international SRHR experts.

If you would like to use the Best Practice Papers to adapt to your local context get in touch with the Centre for Women’s Global Health

Best practice in abortion care

This paper sets out the essential elements of high-quality abortion care and is available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish.

Best practice in post-abortion care

This paper sets out the essential elements of post-abortion care and is available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish.

Best practice in post-abortion contraception

This paper sets out the essential elements of post-abortion contraception counselling and provision and is available in English.

Best practice in telemedicine for abortion care

This paper sets out the essential elements of telemedicine abortion provision and is available in English.
