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Information on our Women’s Network and our Women’s Voices report can be found on the following pages.

A vital part of the process when developing information for the public, or when campaigning for advancements in women’s healthcare, is speaking to the people for whom the service is designed. The RCOG are committed to asking women and patients exactly what they think, so that the guidance and treatments they receive is suitable to their needs.

RCOG Women's Network

The Women’s Network is a strategic RCOG committee, made up of individuals with personal experience of obstetrics or gynaecological services as well as clinicians from across the UK.

This Network informs the College about issues affecting women at key moments in their lives, from fertility and pregnancy, through to the menopause and women’s health in later life.

Women's Voices Involvement Panel (WVIP)

The RCOG set up the Women’s Voices panel to give a wider and diverse group of women the opportunity for their voices to be heard. The Panel is an online group of over 700 members of the public who want to use their experience of women’s health services to influence the work of the College and the wider women’s health sector.

Maternal mental health - women's voices

Mental health is now recognised as a national priority by Government. In particular, we need more focus on the mental health journey and issues which face pregnant women and new mothers.

We believed that it was time to give women the opportunity to speak about their experiences. The Women’s Voices report was an opportunity for us to use real stories to advocate for improvements in the care provided to women during pregnancy and after birth.


