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Women's Voices Involvement Panel (WVIP)

The RCOG Women’s Voices Involvement Panel is an online group of over 700 members of the public who want to use their experience of women’s health services to influence the work of the College and the wider women’s health sector.

About the panel

The RCOG believes that by talking to women and finding out about their experiences we can learn from and improve how things are done in the future in the specialty of obstetrics and gynaecology.

The RCOG Women’s Network is the College’s patient/lay group, but as a small group the Network can’t represent the views of women from every corner of the UK and from all backgrounds. Therefore, we set up the Women’s Voices panel to give a much wider and diverse group of women the opportunity for their voices to be heard.

How does the panel work?

We offer members of the panel opportunities to be involved in the College’s work through the panel’s Facebook page and email newsletters. We seek views on information that we’re producing for women, or ask members to take part in a survey about their own experiences to influence policy development. Most of this involvement can be done through email but, on occasion, there might be more formal opportunities such as taking part in a focus group or providing the patient/public perspective on a working group.

Members can select what they want to be involved in to suit their interests and their circumstances. Although involvement through the panel is voluntary, if travel is required costs will always be reimbursed. Sometimes there will be opportunities for members of the panel to be involved in the work of other organisations or in joint projects between the College and its partners. The RCOG is committed to feeding back on the progress of work that members have been involved in so that they can see how their voice has had an impact.

Who can join?

The Women’s Voices panel aims to be fully inclusive and welcomes anyone who:

  • Has an interest in and/or experience from a patient/public perspective of: having a baby; fertility or reproductive health issues; gynaecological conditions and procedures
  • Is involved in a women’s health organisation and/or works professionally with a particular group of women and wants to represent their voice on the panel

What’s expected of members?

We don’t expect that all involvement opportunities will be suitable for all members. If at any time you decide you want to end your membership and be removed from the mailing list, you can do so easily by emailing .

We ask members to join the panel with the intention of using their voice to improve women’s health through sharing the panel’s aims. 

Become a member of the panel

Register to become part of the Women's Voices Involvement Panel

If you have any queries, please email .

Aims of the RCOG Women’s Voices Involvement Panel

Objectives of the RCOG Women’s Voices Involvement Panel

The RCOG Women’s Voices Involvement Panel aims to:

  1. Provide a platform for the public to have a voice within the RCOG, to inform the College on issues affecting women's health and well-being.
    What’s the benefit?
    The College can use this knowledge to help decide which particular issues it needs to focus its attention on in relation to O&G.
  2. Gain opinion and views from the public about particular pieces of College work through involving them in a variety of ways.
    What’s the benefit?
    Insight from patients and the public around what it’s like to have a baby, or to have a woman's health condition, can help the College to make sure O&G doctors deliver a service that is most appropriate to women’s needs.
  3. Allow partner organisations that work to support and improve women’s health and well-being to gain the views of the public.*
    What’s the benefit?
    These organisations can use this knowledge to inform their policies and/or improve services for women that they provide services to.

*Please note: Not all organisations that request access to the panel to consult with and/or recruit members to their own project will be granted permission to do so. Organisations requesting this must demonstrate that their purpose for involving the public is in line with the College’s aims and does not conflict with any work the College is undertaking. The purpose for consulting with the panel must not be for commercial benefit. The RCOG’s Clinical Quality department will consider requests on a case-by-case basis.
