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Laparoscopic Management of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy (Consent Advice No. 8)


This paper provides advice for clinicians in obtaining the consent of a woman undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy and includes the documentation of the findings, which may include photographs or video, that will be retained as part of the patient records.

The document follows the structure of Consent Form 1 of the Department of Health and Social Care, England/Welsh Assembly Government/Department of Health, Northern Ireland. It should be used in conjunction with RCOG Clinical Governance Advice No. 6: Obtaining Valid Consent.

The aim of this advice is to ensure that all women are given consistent and adequate information for consent; it is intended to be used together with dedicated patient information. After discharge women should have clear direction to enable them to obtain help if there are unforeseen problems.

Please note

 This document should be used as part of the process outlined on our main consent page. The form should be used to help record women’s understanding of the implications of the final agreed procedure.

COVID disclaimer

This Consent Advice was developed prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Version history

This is the third edition of this guidance.

Please note that the Patient Safety Committee regularly assesses the need to update. Further information on this review is available on request.

Developer declaration of interests

Mr S Banerjee FRCOG, Cambridge: Dr Banerjee is a Trustee and Council Member for the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the Postgraduate Medical School of the University of Surrey.

Mr KS Arambage MSc, MRCOG, Oxford: None declared.

Mr TA Smith Walker MRCOG, Truro: None declared.

This page was last reviewed 22 June 2017.
