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Induction of Labour at Term in Older Mothers (Scientific Impact Paper No. 34)


This paper discusses the induction of labour in women of advanced maternal age (40+ years) and the possible benefits of inducing at an earlier stage of gestation (39–40 weeks).

With the average maternal age in the UK rising dramatically over the past two decades, there have been numerous studies undertaken to establish a link between rising maternal age and the increased risk of obstetric complications, increased risk of stillbirth and neonatal deaths.

This paper examines a collection of these studies, comparing fetal and maternal outcomes in women of advanced maternal age in the UK. It is suggested that it would be justifiable for experts to conclude that inducing labour at an earlier stage of gestation in older mothers could improve perinatal outcomes and eliminate possible maternal risks of an ongoing pregnancy in women of advanced maternal age.

COVID disclaimer

This Scientific Impact Paper was developed prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Version history

This is the first edition of this Scientific Impact Paper.

Please note that the Scientific Advisory Committee regularly assesses the need to update. Further information on this review is available on request.

Developer declaration of interests

Available on request.

This page was last reviewed 01 February 2013.
