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Guidance for reviewers

The RCOG consults a wide range of stakeholders on draft versions of our guidance, including health care professionals, users of O&G services, other Royal Colleges and charities. 

This page provides guidance for reviewers.

Reviewing RCOG guidance:

  • Anyone can submit comments on RCOG guidance and we consider all comments submitted via the review process.
  • Please critically appraise both the contents and presentation of the guidance.  It should be balanced, unbiased and clearly structured, and must contain up-to-date information.
  • Your comments should be constructive, with supporting references where possible, and submitted using the instructions for reviewers provided. Detailed copyediting comments including typos are not expected, as the guidance will be edited before publication.
  • For details of how Green-top Guidelines are produced please see Developing a Green-top Guideline.
  • Please disclose any conflicts of interest, although these do not preclude you from reviewing the document.
  • While the College takes ultimate responsibility for the published guideline, the names of developer(s) and peer reviewers will be included in the final document.
  • Peer reviewers may claim CPD credits for this work; find out more.
  • We will not consider any comments received after the deadline, unless notified and agreed in advance.

Please note the guidance presented for review are provisional. They do not constitute the final guidance on the topic, and may change after consultation.
