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Document delivery service

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Requesting an article

To request an article, please send us the details of the article using one of the methods below:

For inter-library requests we require payment in advance by debit/credit card or cheque, using one of the methods below:

  • Phone +44 20 7772 6309 during office hours (as stated above)
  • Send a cheque, made payable to RCOG, to RCOG Library, 10-18 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ

We will forward the requested material once we’ve received your payment.

Current charges for the document delivery service 

RCOG Fellows, Members and registered Trainees; RCM Members and Student Members

Articles available from the RCOG/RCM collections:

  • No charge

Please note: there is no charge for eligible members to access our digital collections:

Inter-library requests

  • Standard 3-day delivery: £12.00 per journal article
  • Urgent delivery is dependent on the charges made by the supplying library; we will discuss these with you before proceeding


  • £6.00 + VAT per journal article

Commercial requests

  • £10.00 + VAT for up to 20 pages and multiples thereof for larger documents

Terms and conditions

  • Document delivery service hours are as office hours stated above.
  • We aim to provide documents from print collections or open access within 3 working days. Delivery times may be extended for material held in storage
  • Users with more urgent requests are strongly recommended to phone the Library (+44 20 7772 6309) to confirm that their request has been received and can be supplied.
  • Requests for difficult to handle material and large orders (more than 20 items) will fall outside of the advertised turnaround times. We will discuss turnaround times with the requester before proceeding.
  • The turnaround times quoted are from receipt of a correctly completed order form and payment to the time that the completed order is dispatched to the requester.
  • Photocopying of pre-1900 material is at the librarian’s or archivist’s discretion.
  • Under current copyright law, it is not permitted to copy more than one article from the same issue of a journal, or one chapter from a book for the same person.
  • All copying is for non-commercial research or private study only.
  • Once an article has been copied or ordered from another library, the request cannot be cancelled.
  • Where incorrect or incomplete details are given, the article will still be charged.

Requesters who have indicated that they wish to proceed to inter-library loan if an item cannot be supplied from the RCOG/RCM collections are liable to pay the full higher charge for all inter-library loans.

Other services and charges

The RCOG Library also offers the following services:

Self-service photocopies

There is a photocopier available for use in the RCOG Library. 

Digital photography

Visitors who wish to use their own digital camera to record material from the collections will be charged £5.00 per day.

Contact us

If you have any questions, or need more information, please email or call +44 20 7772 6309.

