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Document delivery request form

See our charges and terms and conditions on the main Document delivery service page.

You can also request items, check costs or discuss your request by phone +44 20 7772 6309 or by email .


Payment for inter-library requests is required in advance by debit/credit card or cheque.

To make your payment, please use one of these methods:

  • Call +44 20 7772 6309 during office hours. Office hours are 9am to 5pm (UK time) Monday to Friday, excluding England/Wales bank holidays and College Closure Days.
  • Send a cheque, made payable to RCOG, to: RCOG Library, 10-18 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ

Submitting a request

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields. Please ensure you have completed all mandatory fields before submitting your query.

Document delivery request form

Your details
Preferred delivery option
Preferred delivery option * If you plan to visit the College on a particular date, please let us know when.
If the item isn't available in the RCOG/RCM collections *

We aim to provide documents from RCOG collections or open access within 3 working days. Delivery times may be extended for material held in storage

Article or document details
Please read and agree to the copyright declaration below before continuing.*
Before you submit your query:

Please check that you have completed all mandatory fields - marked with an asterisk (*). If you have not completed all mandatory fields, you will not be able to submit your query.
When you click 'Submit query', you should be taken to an acknowledgement page. If you do not see this page, it means your form has not been submitted. Please double-check that you have completed all mandatory fields before resubmitting your query.
