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Patient safety is at the heart of everything we do and must be at the forefront of every healthcare service. Healthcare is a complex environment and keeping patients safe, reducing risks and minimising errors is a global priority.

This hub will help to equip the membership with requisite knowledge of patient safety and resources, to assist in their clinical practice. It will encourage broader intermediate learning through the resources available. It will also serve as a shared learning platform.

Essential areas of patient safety

Patient Safety Committee

Through collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the Patient Safety Committee meets quarterly to discuss the patient safety issues affecting obstetrics and gynaecology services.

The Committee leads on the strategies required for implementing the recommendations provided in national reports, including the latest MBRRACE report, and SHOT report.

The Committee also plans the Improving Quality of Women's Healthcare event that is held at the College. Find the next event on our courses and events listings.
