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The core curriculum is divided into 14 Capabilities in practice (CiP’s). Each CiP outlines the key skills expected, along with a set of descriptors to help assess progress.

Within the curriculum specifically the following CiP’s address aspects of leadership skills:

CiP 3.The doctor is a leader and follower who shares vision, engages and delivers results. Understands human behaviour and demonstrates leadership skills. Reflects on own leadership style and how this can impact on patient and colleague interactions. Demonstrates the ability to adapt leadership style to different situations. Continues to enhance leadership skills. Effectively delegates tasks to other members of the multi-professional team

CiP 8:The doctor is effective as a teacher and supervisor of healthcare professionals. Supervises and appraises, contributes towards staff development and training, including supervision, appraisal and workplace assessment. Demonstrates ability to act as a clinical supervisor. Understands the appraisal and revalidation process

The following eLearning modules offers various courses in leadership development


The College's continuous professional development (CPD) covers leadership development.

The Professional behaviours section of the Professional dimension encompasses clinical supervision.

The leadership role of the extended role dimension encompasses various leadership skills.

The Managerial role section of the extended role dimension encompasses rota management, mentoring/coaching, and developing a team.

The Events team run a two day course twice a year on Developing leadership Skills in obstetrics and gynaecology and another annual course for new Clinical Directors.


In the certificate of eligibility Guidance for short and long-term locums, states the team needs to be functioning well with good leadership oversight to mitigate any risks for a new locum working in the unit.

The Roles and responsibilities of consultant guidance was written to address what is expected of a consultant working in O&G addressing different leadership styles that can be adapted to different roles when providing acute care.
