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Reproducing RCOG guidance and patient information

We understand that health professionals may wish to develop guidance and information for their own trust/local community based on College guidance. This page outlines the process you should follow to reproduce RCOG-copyrighted material in your own leaflets and website resources.

For general information about copyright, please see our rights and permissions policy.

Patient information leaflets

The RCOG’s patient information leaflets are freely available and you can download and print as many copies as you wish, as long as you do not alter anything in the leaflets. Unfortunately, owing to the high cost of paper and printing, we are unable to provide hard copies of the leaflets.

It is not permitted to reproduce one of our patient information leaflets in its entirety under your own trust logo. You may adapt the information in our leaflets to your local circumstances and issue it under your trust logo as long as you request permission from the RCOG in advance. To request permission, please submit a draft of your proposed leaflet by email to the College copyright administrator at

Other guidance 

The information below covers all other guidance issued by the College:

The RCOG permits reproduction of text, algorithms, tables and figures from our guidelines in academic papers, medical publications, dissertations etc. as long as you request permission from the College in advance

To request permission, please email the College copyright administrator at  with the following information:

  • Full details of the material you want to reproduce (please be as specific as possible, with figure/table and page references)
  • How you want to use the material
  • The nature of your publication
  • Your contact details (full contact name and address)

We will respond within 2 weeks, providing a permissions letter if your application is successful.

The College exercises its right to charge a reproduction fee for commercial publications, and assesses applications on a case-by-case basis. We will advise you of this before sending you the permissions paperwork.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email the College copyright administrator at .
