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If you already subscribe to BJOG but are not a Fellow or Member of the RCOG, you can access BJOG via Wiley Online Library.

About BJOG

BJOG is an editorially independent publication owned by Wiley. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including contraception, urogynaecology, fertility, oncology and clinical practice.

  • Editor-in-Chief: Aris Papageorghiou
  • Online ISSN: 1471-0528
  • Frequency: monthly
  • Impact factor (2021): 7.331
  • Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 7/85 (Obstetrics & Gynecology)

In January 1902 the first issue of The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire was published, which led with a most fitting and insightful article written by Dr Hart, who called to make the 20th century one of the greatest in the history of obstetrics. Since then BJOG has published papers on an incredible range of issues – from puerperal sepsis to HIV, and from preimplantation genetic diagnosis to assessing radical pelvic procedure. Gynaecological surgery has also advanced tremendously and we are proud to have been there to record every discovery and report each new finding. After 100 years BJOG is still going strong and we hope there is much more to come.

BJOG has 13 issues a year: 12 monthly issues and one themed issue published in January.

BJOG app decommissioned

Please note that from 15 January 2024, both the Wiley Online Library app and the former standalone BJOG app have been decommissioned. The apps will no longer be updated and no longer available to download. Please see further information from Wiley here.

College members who would like to continue to access BJOG from their mobile devices can be reassured that the BJOG website is fully mobile responsive.

BJOG CPD questions in TOG

Each issue of TOG now contains CPD-creditable questions relating to BJOG papers. The questions can be answered in the usual way via your CPD ePortfolio.
