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RCOG Learning consent notice

In addition to the information outlined in the RCOG privacy policy and terms and conditions, you are asked to review the following consent notice for access to RCOG Brightspace Learning.

RCOG Brightspace Learning is a learning platform for medical professionals who wish to develop and further their skills in O&G training and education. You agree for the RCOG and D2L (Brightspace platform provider) and their sub-contractor, Course Merchant to use your name, email address, College number, address and Membership status to create an RCOG Brightspace Learning account. You agree for the RCOG, its contractors (D2L) working on behalf of the College and sub-contractors (Course Merchant) to receive your personal data for the purposes of allowing access to RCOG Brightspace Learning. You have no obligation to provide personal data however you will be unable to access a RCOG Brightspace Learning account.

You agree to use RCOG Brightspace Learning only for lawful purposes, and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the RCOG Brightspace Learning by any legitimate third party. Such restriction or inhibition includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful, or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person, and the transmission of obscene or offensive content or disruption of normal flow of dialogue within this site. Confidential data relating to or identifying patients and colleagues should not be included in your RCOG Brightspace Learning account.

The RCOG has its registered office at 10–18 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ, UK. Registered Charity number 213280.

Termination and data storage

You may terminate your RCOG Brightspace Learning account at any time through the Opt-Out process by emailing By opting out you are removing your access to the Brightspace learning account and its courses. All data including any certification, tutorial progress and reflective comments will be deleted in 30 days. You are advised to download completion certificates and reflective comments prior to opt-out.

All RCOG client data will be held and processed on servers located within the UK.

Privacy policy

All your personal data is processed in accordance with data protection legislation - Please see the RCOG privacy policy. The RCOG is listed in the ICO’s Public Register of Data Controllers as required by UK GDPR Reference No: Z6382904.

You have the right to lodge a complaint if you are unhappy with how the RCOG is processing your data. Please see the ICO website for details or contact them directly by email to or by post:

Customer Contact
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

RCOG website terms and conditions

For more information you can visit the RCOG website's terms and conditions:

The RCOG adheres to UK Data Protection legislation which governs the collection and management of personal information, including images. If you have any concerns about personal details, please contact
