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Membership support

The Membership team provides support to the College’s membership based in the British Isles and internationally.

We can help you if you have a query about your subscription or admission ceremony, or if you have any change in your circumstances.

Subscription fees

We work closely with the Finance department at the RCOG to assist our Members and Fellows with annual subscriptions.

If you have any problems paying your fees, we’re always available to discuss your options.

Admission ceremonies

We’re responsible for organising the Members’ and Fellows’ admission ceremonies, and are your first point of contact should you have any queries before these special days.

For queries concerning ceremonies please call +44 20 7045 6736.


We can provide verification of your MRCOG, FRCOG or DRCOG qualifications for external organisations. Please note that there is a £15 administration charge for this service. Please email or call +44 20 7045 6776.

Changes in membership status

If there are any potential changes to your current circumstances, such as maternity leave, reduced income or a career break, please contact us and we’ll advise you on how this will affect your membership. Likewise, if for any reason you wish to cancel your membership, we can work with you to find a solution.

If you’ve been removed from the College register for non-payment of fees, we can also assist you with your reinstatement to the register pending Council’s approval and arrears being settled.

Updating personal information

You can update your personal information via the ‘My account’ section of the website. You'll need to sign in to access your account. If you have any problems, please check our Problems logging in page for some possible solutions.

Missing publications and replacements

We can help you if you’re having problems receiving your benefits. For example, if you haven't received a certain edition of TOG or BJOG, we can order replacements for you.
