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Obituary: David Stanley Sharp

David Stanley Sharp studied medicine in London and graduated in 1966.

He then became a Senior Registrar in Manchester and rotated through St Mary’s in the early 70’s, until becoming a Consultant at North Manchester General Hospital in 1980 until 1999.

David’s professional achievements are numerous; becoming the Medical Executive Committee Chairman in the late 80’s; which is a similar role to Medical Director today and was the Clinical Director in the early 90’s.

He was a Member Representative on Council from 1985 to 1988 and served on the Joint Medico-Legal Committee from 1987 to 1990.

David Sharp was known to be an early proponent of risk management and his colleagues always remember the incident reporting scheme he set up in the early 90’s.

Apart from being a general obstetrician; David’s clinical interest was in colposcopy and gynae oncology. He set up the colposcopy unit in the mid 80’s and was involved in some of the early research in HPV, having some papers published in this area.

David Sharp was known as a perfectionist - whatever he did, he did well and would fully participate. He was an able plumber and a craftsman - carving a full chess set.

He was married to Margaret and was blessed with his son Paul – who is now in computing and looks just like David. Jane – his daughter - is a physiotherapist and presented David with his only grandchild.

He loved racing cars. He was a tall, imposing figure. In his University holidays, he often got jobs as an extra at Elstree studios. I know he was in ‘Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines’ although he has never actually spotted. He often also played the part of a policeman because of his stature. The theatre team at NMGH used to call him the ‘Jolly Green Giant’ once he was scrubbed up!

He retired from the NHS on 31st December 1999, leaving his successor to do the millennium on call.

He developed a medico-legal practice over the previous few years and then continued this full time. He was very well read and up to date. He did not suffer fools gladly.

Sadly, David was diagnosed with leukaemia not long after he retired and battled it all the way. He never gave up, always hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. Even when he really needed as much blood as possible, he allowed the oncologists to take pints for research purposes.

He moved house shortly before he died to ensure that Margaret was in a better environment. David was a keen and able golfer and - with his optimism - went out and bought a new set of golf clubs made for his infirm condition, but sadly never played with them.

Mourad Seif
