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Obituary: Jean Murray Jones

Jean Murray Jones was born in South Australia 30/10/21. She moved to Perth as a small child in 1925 when her father was appointed Chief Veterinary Officer of Western Australia.  She returned to South Australia to attend University, there being no Medical School in WA. After graduation in 1944 she  came back to Perth to commence  her Residency at Royal Perth Hospital and then went to the Royal Children's Hospital Perth (now Princess Margaret Hospital). In 1949 she went to the UK where she first worked at the West Middlesex Hospital in Islington for 2 years and then the Jessup Hospital for Women for a year. She went to Cumberland Infirmary as a Gynaecology Registrar for 12 months, before returning to Melbourne in 1954 for her final year of training at the Queen Victoria Hospital Melbourne.

She returned to Perth in 1955 and initially worked in Victoria Park as a G.P. Later she set up private practice in Ord St West Perth. She had a beautiful Federation style house which served both as her home and her rooms. Jean worked as a Clinical Assistant at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) from 1955 to 1974. Thereafter she worked solely in private practice and she had a clientele that had a strong representation of troubled young ladies. She was an only child and never married. Her father, a Lieutenant Colonel who served in both World Wars, died in Perth in 1944. Jean was always extremely close to her mother, who acted as the receptionist in her practice.

Jean became a Foundation Fellow of the new Australian College in 1979. She maintained a strong interest in College affairs and was a regular attendee at College meetings. She also maintained a dedicated attendance at the educational events of the College and KEMH. In the last decade, her health was poor and she was ravaged by dementia. She died on 27th December 2009. She appears to have no surviving relatives and has left a substantial bequest to the College in the form of her house in West Perth.
