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Obituary: Kirsty Paterson

Obstetrics and gynaecology trainee
Royal London Hospital

Born: 18/8/84
Qualified: Bristol Medical School, 2009

Died from metastatic breast cancer on 14 September 2018

Kirsty Paterson (previously Cleverly) began O&G training in North East Thames in 2011; a keen surgeon, she was passionate about fetal medicine and high-risk obstetrics, as well as medical education. Kirsty excelled throughout training and combined scientific interest with a kind and caring patient manner. She passed her membership of the RCOG with ease despite adversity, and was truly dedicated to her chosen specialty.

A keen crafts-maker even before it became re-popularised, Kirsty enjoyed making gifts and baking, as well as being an enthusiastic cyclist and traveller. She was known for her indefatigable attitude, her intelligence, her style and her dry wit, as well the immense dignity and grace she displayed whilst confronting her terminal illness at such a young age. She leaves behind her mother and brother.
